My Sign Says
Kylie Jenner attends the 20117 Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute Gala

Which Celebrity Most Perfectly Embodies Your Zodiac Sign

You’ve probably heard how celebrities are “just like us!” and honestly, that’s mostly true. Well, except for the part about having insane wealth at your fingertips and the mass adoration of the general public.

That said, there are some celebrities who fit certain zodiac signs so well that we just have to call them out on it. If you want to see which celebrity best matches your own zodiac sign, you know what to do. How do you stack up?

Aquarius – January 20 – February 18

Harry Styles: February 1, 1994

Aquarius is known for having the ability to overflow with emotion, and Harry Styles definitely has that in check! In fact, he recently said of one of his singles, “It makes me cry performing it sometimes. I find it quite emotional. In like, a cool way.”

Pisces – February 19 – March 20

Rihanna: February 20, 1988

Like a true Pisces, Rihanna has a strong sense of self, and she doesn’t worry what the public thinks about her. She’s about as fearless as they get, and she’s okay with that.

Aries – March 21 – April 19

Reese Witherspoon: March 22, 1976

Aries are natural leaders who exude charisma, and boy, does Reese Witherspoon have that in spades. She is bold and confident and is able to grab people’s attention.

Taurus – April 20 – May 20

Adele: May 5, 1988

Taurus signs are full of love and passion, and if that doesn’t describe Adele, I don’t know what does. She is stubborn and purposeful, and her voice is truly celestial. This is a woman who is control of her future and makes her own decisions.

If she wants to make something happen, it happens.

Gemini – May 21 – June 20

Kendrick Lamar: June 17, 1987

Kendrick Lamar once described himself as “the ultimate Gemini,” and that pretty much defines the entire Gemini mindset in a nutshell. Gemini are aware of their split identities, and they embrace them fully.

Mostly, it depends on whether they lean more toward the good side than the bad side.

Cancer – June 21 – July 22

Selena Gomez: July 22, 1992

Cancer signs are known for being “perfectly imperfect,” which describes Selena perfectly. They are also known for being mature and sensitive, and intuitive to other people’s needs.

Leo – July 23 – August 22

Kylie Jenner: August 10, 1997

Boy, Leo signs have quite the reputation! They are known for being self-obsessed and vain, and I’m sorry girl, but if Kylie Jenner isn’t the perfect embodiment of a Leo, I don’t know what is.

Virgo – August 23 – September 22

Zendaya: September 1, 1996

Virgo signs are very well known for their ability to think. We’re talking deeply analytical thinking. They’re skeptical of themselves and others, and they aim for perfection.

If you know anything about Zendaya, you know that she’s more than achieved that.

Libra – September 23 – October 22

Halsey: September 29, 1994

If there’s one thing we know about Libras, it’s their ability to be authentic. They are people-pleasers. A sense of fairness and understanding drives them.

They don’t enjoy bias and care deeply about social issues. Halsey’s public stances on many issues make it very clear that she’s the perfect Libra.

Scorpio – October 23 – November 21

Lorde: November 7, 1996

Lorde is an intensely private and secretive individual. She’s definitely a Scorpio.

We know Scorpio signs are intellectually and spiritually intelligent, with a keen sense of the world that surrounds them.

Sagittarius – November 22 – December 21

Nicki Minaj: December 8, 1982

If there’s one thing that Sagittarians have in abundance, it’s charisma. They have the ability to truly leave their mark on the world, and Nicki Minaj has certainly done just that.

Her self-assuredness, confidence, and optimism has the ability to draw people into her circle, and she knows it. Boy, does she know it.

Capricorn – December 22 – January 19

Michelle Obama: January 17, 1964

Capricorns have the amazing ability to be down to earth, capable and practical, and being able to exude a certain confidence and poise in a way that others simply can’t match.

Although they don’t always want it, Capricorns have the ability to naturally lead others, and for having a warm character and spirit. Good job!

How do you match up when compared to these celebs?