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The Hermetic View of Magical Astrology

Astrology has its roots in the hermetic sciences, and as such, ancient sages combined the wisdom of astrology, magick and alchemy as all being essential ingredients that are interconnected in their practice.

Astrology and the occult

When people today hear the word “occult” they often think of witchcraft or Satanism. However, the word “occult” means “hidden.” It’s original meaning referred to secret or hidden knowledge that was only known to the most learned in hermetic science.

When you see the word “magick” with a “K”, it differentiates between ritual magick and the magic performed by magicians for entertainment purposes.

Hermeticism and astrology

Hermetic science or hermeticism, is named after the Greek god Hermes, and is an esoteric tradition that was built primarily upon writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. Our modern medical symbol, the caduceus, is also the symbol of hermeticism.

Hermes Trismegistus’ teachings had a profound influence on esoteric Western tradition and were of great importance during both the Renaissance and the Reformation. In fact, hermeticism had a connection with and was instrumental in the development of science that occurred between the three centuries of 1300 to 1600 A.D.

Further, hermeticism, with its interest in alchemy, also drove the development of chemistry. Even the great scientist Isaac Newton was interested in hermeticism, especially its concept of focusing on a doctrine that was pure and unadulterated.

How astrology and hermeticism work together

Why are we talking so much about hermeticism? It is to drive home the worldview of the practitioners who developed this art. They saw magick and alchemy, as scientific arts, and inextricably intertwined with astrology.

They saw magick connected to both things that happened above the earth, or in the heavens, and that which occurs below – on earth. Hence, the famous maxim of: “As above, so below.”

Astrology, in Hermetic thought, gives us metaphorical symbolism into the mind of “The All” a pantheistic view of God and all knowledge. Further, they believe that astrology gives us meaning even beyond the laws of physics as we know them.

Alchemy was connected to the operation of the sun, while astrology is viewed as the operations of the stars.

A third component is Theurgy, which is the operation of the gods. Theurgy translates to “the science or art of divine works.” Theurgy is divine magic which relies upon an alliance with divine spirits. Essentially, Theurgy is the practical component of magic.

Alchemy provides the “key” to Theurgy, while astrology provides insight and timing.