My Sign Says

Star Signs and Weight Loss

Have you packed on a few pounds from sitting around the house for the last few months? We haven’t even had the exercise of walking across a parking lot, or down to the break room. But how to shed that unwanted weight now that summer is here, and many places are lifting their lockdown?

Not surprisingly, your star sign has a lot to do with what exercises will keep you motivated.

Virgos, Libras, and Capricorns are hard workers and they like a set routine. The best gym for them is one that offers classes at several different levels of proficiency so they keep going.

Taurans and Cancers enjoy the finer things. They care about what they eat and like to indulge in their favorite foods. They need to balance all that eating with some good cardio routines.

Pisces are a little less into the danger, but like a full-body workout. Tae-bo, boxing, and other core exercises are great for them.

Geminis and Aquarians get bored easily. They need a club with multiple offerings so they can try a little of everything, and mix it up every day.