My Sign Says

Your Biggest Depression Trigger According to Your Zodiac Sign

When you’re having a crappy mental health day, the first resource you turn to is probably not astrology. Horoscope insight can often seem like it’s only reserved for fun, happy days. But did you know your zodiac sign can help you identify and understand your symptoms of depression and anxiety?

Everyone experiences depression differently, and your astrological traits play a role in how you express and deal with depression.

Read on to learn how these four signs most commonly deal with depression.


Leo thrives when they’re in control. So when things feel out of control, or plans fall through, Leos feel it hard. If Leos can learn to mindfully let go of the things they can’t control, they might find some relief from their woes.


Virgos tend to ruminate over their worries, overthinking and driving themselves toward depression. Virgos: if you’re feeling down, don’t keep repeating the same thought patterns in your head. Don’t let anxiety about the future ruin the present.


Sagittarius will get depressed when they feel lonely. Although notoriously independent, they know that their independence has the potential to lead to isolation. Sagg: be aware that you have the tendency to push people away rather than letting them in when you’re feeling down.


The lover of all things organization and tradition, Pisces get uncomfortable when things fly off the rails, especially when it comes to a close-knit group like family. Pisces, your sensitive nature is a gift and a curse. Don’t let your emotions overwhelm you: things can always be fixed.

Check back soon to learn more about how the other signs experience symptoms of depression and anxiety.