My Sign Says

Seasonal Makeup Based off Your Sign

Born in the summer months, Geminis, Cancers, Leos, and Virgos each have their own makeup preference that differs from the rest of the zodiac signs.

Each summer month falls under each of the four elements. Their makeup choice is based on the moon and the stars.

Makeup the Stars Assigned to You

Although each summer month has different elements, they still have few things in common. Each of these zodiac signs likes to try new things and experiment with colors.

Geminis are the beginning of summer according to astrology. When it comes to their makeup, the color yellow is great on their skin. The yellow could be their eyeshadow or under eyeliner, which should be paired with a bold lip color.

Geminis are bold in nature and like to be the center of attention, their makeup should match that. While Cancers like metallics – especially silver because it makes them feel superior.

Their element is water, which makes it easier for people to adapt to them. Their lip choice would be nude or a gloss that would take away attention from themselves.