My Sign Says
zodiac self sabotage

End Self-Sabotage by Understanding Your Zodiac Sign’s Fatal Flaw

Every sign of the Zodiac is prone to a particular type of self-sabotage. Here’s how to quit it once and for all!

Is there anything worse than being your own worst enemy? Even though you start things with the best intentions, you keep getting in your own way.

Maybe you begin projects but never finish them (ahem, Gemini!) or pick fights with the people you love just when things are going good (hey there, Aries!).

Knowledge is the first step in overcoming your sign’s tendency to self-sabotage, so read on, friends, and battle your inner demons.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

As an Aries, you love to win. But not everything is a contest, okay? You might see everything as a game where there are winners and losers, but that attitude leads to creating conflict needlessly. In other words, you need to chill out!

You sabotage yourself, your relationships, and your career when you can’t turn off your competitive drive to be the best.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, you can be way too stubborn and set in your ways. You think that just because something has kinda-sorta worked for you in the past, there’s no reason to change it. That’s called stagnation, and it’s bad for you.

Force yourself to try new things, listen to new ideas, and break out of your comfortable rut.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Sometimes, Gemini, you need to pick a thing and stick with it. Don’t let yourself get distracted by all the awesome stuff you could be doing instead. And definitely don’t let yourself get “kidnapped” by friends, my little social butterfly, while you’re supposed to be working.

Geminis are notorious for having lots of ideas but no follow-through. Be the exception to the rule!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

As a Cancer, you are deeply connected to the emotional energy of the world. And sometimes, you get so wrapped up with other people’s feelings that you lose sight of your own well-being.

Sure, your workplace drama might be better than Grey’s Anatomy, but you need to guard yourself against getting too involved. Let others deal with their own emotional needs while you tend to yours.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo, I don’t know how to tell you this gently. Let’s just get it out there: Sometimes, it really isn’t about you. Even though you might feel like the star of the show at all times, the truth is that sometimes you need to step back and let someone else have the spotlight. Practice self-awareness and realize when you’re being extra.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Here’s a motto I want you to memorize, Virgo: “Done is better than perfect.” Your perfectionist tendencies can stop you from ever feeling satisfied with anything. That’s a stressful way of going through life–and not a very productive one, ultimately.

Perfectionism is just another type of procrastination, so quit picking at your latest project and simply declare it to be done.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, you have one of the most complicated and subtle forms of self-sabotage. With your bone-deep desire to avoid conflict and please others, you’ve lost sight of how you actually feel.

You don’t want anyone to be mad at you, so instead you compromise, pretend to agree with people, and bury your true self under layers of politeness.

Practice being real, or else that negative energy will manifest as a blow out when you least expect it.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

To say that Scorpio has some trust issues is an understatement. You assume that everyone will either fail to live up to your standards or actively betray you. That’s an exhausting way to live and an impossible foundation for building healthy relationships.

None of us can truly thrive as lone wolves; you need to let people in and make yourself vulnerable. It’s scary, but it’s better than spending the rest of your life in paranoid isolation.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Centaurs just wanna have fun–which is a problem if you ever hope to live the life of your dreams. Sagittarius is a natural adventurer, and you love the idea of traveling the world and meeting interesting people. But how are you going to fund that lifestyle?

Do you have a plan or just a thirst for adventure? Ironically, to live a freewheeling gypsy lifestyle, you need to get grounded first.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20)

Capricorns are often over-achievers who work hard toward their goals. But the problem is that sometimes those goals aren’t truly in line with your values. Did you pick that major or this career because you wanted it–or because your family thought you should?

Are you living up to the expectations of others instead of following your own path? Quit it! Life’s too short to spend it fulfilling someone else’s dream.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius, you have big ideas and world-changing passions. But you’re not always great at turning them into reality. You could do so much good if you stopped dreaming about the future and spent more time in the present.

You spend your energy imagining the change you want to be. Unfortunately, that doesn’t do anyone any good.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Like all Water signs, Pisces feels emotions strongly. But just because you have too many feels doesn’t mean you get a free pass! Pisces tend to use their emotional overload as an excuse to cancel plans, avoid conflict, and even give up on their dreams.

Some of them–not you, of course–even use their emotions to manipulate other people. Pisces, you are stronger than you think, so quit playing the victim and go do awesome things. I believe in you!