My Sign Says
most untrustworthy zodiac signs

You’ve Been Warned! These Are the Most Untrustworthy Zodiac Signs

Whether you’re entering into a new relationship or planning a business deal, these signs of the Zodiac are the most likely to break their word.

While everyone is capable of being untrustworthy, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Aquarius are frequently the cause of canceled plans and broken promises.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius just wants to be free! Long-term commitments–not just romance, but also jobs, leases, and other ties to one place–just don’t work for these adventurous souls. They’re drawn to exploration and driven to make spur-of-the-moment decisions. That means a fling with a Sagittarius is a lot of fun, but be wary of trusting them with your heart.

If you’re a Sagittarius, you might be feeling a little defensive right now–or you might be nodding in recognition. You’ll be happier if you take on flexible work assignments that allow you to try new things or remote jobs that let you travel while you get paid.

When it comes to love, be very clear with potential partners that you aren’t looking for anything serious. It’s best just not to make promises you don’t intend to keep.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

It’s not that Gemini wants to break their word. It’s just that by the time an appointment or deadline arrives, they’ve already mentally moved on. Geminis are a literal whirlwind of ideas–that’s what happens when you’re an Air sign ruled by Mercury.

They love novelty and variety, which makes them difficult to pin down and prone to breaking promises.

If you’re a Gemini, then you are already aware of your tendency to flit from one thing to another. Whether it’s killer business ideas, trendy hobbies, or your latest date, you can’t seem to stay focused long enough to get anywhere.

Strive for a balance between total boredom and complete chaos by choosing 2-4 projects to work on in a given time frame.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Here’s a tough truth: Sometimes, Aquarius uses their free-spirited style as a shield against baring too much of their soul. Aquarius is notoriously bad at emotional intimacy and commitment.

Although this Water sign frequently pledges time, money, and resources to charitable causes, they’re notorious for ghosting people in their personal relationships. They’d rather avoid causing heartbreak… so they split before things get too serious.

If you’re an Aquarius, you need to practice letting the people you care about inside your defenses. You see and feel the world a little bit differently from everyone else–that’s one of your strengths, but it’s also sometimes hard on the people who love you. Instead of cutting and running, try talking next time.