My Sign Says

Discover Your Zodiac Sign’s Power Animal

Do you feel drawn to the grace and aggression of a lion or the strength and stubbornness of a bull? The reason might be because of your Zodiac sign! Although spirit animals are unique to Native American cultures, we can all identify with a power animal that embodies our strengths. Discover yours now!

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Traditionally, the animal associated with Aries is the ram. The curling horns are perfect for showing off to potential mates and butting heads with rivals.

However, you may also find yourself drawn to the fierce, majestic eagle as your power animal. Eagles are proud and often used as the symbol for warriors and empires.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

In the Zodiac, Taurus is represented by the bull. This stubborn, loyal, powerful animal has been used as a symbol throughout the world. Consider the stock market, where the bull represents an economy that’s charging straight ahead!

As an alternative to the bull, you might find kinship with the humble beaver. These animals aren’t quite as imposing as the bull, but they’re clever builders who create impressive homes for themselves. They’re also really adorable!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini is traditionally associated with the twins Castor and Pollux rather than an animal. However, as an Air sign Geminis are drawn to butterflies. The bright colors delight Gemini’s love of beauty and variety, and the way butterflies flit from flower to flower appeals to their notoriously short attention span.

An alternative power animal for Gemini is the cute and clever fox. Foxes are playful, gregarious, and love to get into places they shouldn’t go–just like Geminis.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer’s traditional animal is the crab–fitting since this sign of the Zodiac prefers to stay guarded and can do quite a bit of damage when threatened.

However, you might find that the gentle, wise tortoise is a better fit for your power animal. Tortoises also carry their shells with them, but they have an even greater ability to hide when they don’t feel safe.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Here’s one sign of the Zodiac with a very obvious power animal! Leo is 100% lion. Proud, confident, and fascinating, lions are the ultimate expression of Leo’s best qualities.

Leo is the king of the jungle, and make no mistake. But remember that lions can also be lazy, arrogant, and foolhardy, too! If a lion really doesn’t feel like the right fit for you, then you might consider the glorious peacock as your power animal.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo’s power animal is the wise yet fierce owl. These beautiful birds have been considered symbols of wisdom since Ancient Greece, when they were associated with the goddess Athena.

Owls are often solitary hunters with incredibly keen eyesight and tremendous patience. Like Virgo, they pay attention to the smallest details as they hunt their prey.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Although Libra is not traditionally associated with an animal (your symbol is the scales of justice), you might feel drawn to ravens, crows, and magpies. These are extremely social birds with complicated societies and a high degree of intelligence. They can solve problems, use tools, and even speak!

In addition, ravens–like Libras–love shiny things. These birds have been known to hoard everything from bottle caps to stolen jewelry in their nests.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You’d think that Scorpio’s power animal would be a literal scorpion, and you’re not too far off the mark. However, the mysterious and misunderstood snake is a better match for this sign of the Zodiac.

Snakes are often considered dangerous even when they’re actually harmless. And even the deadly species only attack when provoked. Snakes are also associated with magic, secrets, and ambition.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius is most at home in the great outdoors. You love to explore and have fun, but you can be serious when it comes to getting what you want. That’s why your Zodiac power animal is a wolf.

Wolves are majestic and beautiful, but also dangerous. There’s a reason why wolves are found in the folklore of so many different cultures! They’re one of the most fearsome predators, yet they also have a playful side. Wolves form strong bonds with just a few pack members and consider everyone else outsiders.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20)

Capricorn is linked to a mythological goat-fish hybrid in the traditional Zodiac. You’re not likely to run across one of those anytime soon! Instead, your real-world power animal is the noble and beautiful horse.

Like you, horses are hard workers with endless stamina. They are intelligent and loyal, but they can also be playful and free-spirited given the chance.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

In the Zodiac, Aquarius is the water-bearer, which is why your power animal is a creature that’s at home on both land and sea. The playful, mischievous otter is your ideal match!

Otters are very cunning, using pebbles to open shells for their dinner. They’re also adorable–but don’t let that fool you! Otters can be quite fierce when defending themselves or their territory. Do people underestimate you the same way?

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

This changeable, playful, passionate Water sign is a great fit for the dolphin! Dolphins are known for being one of the most intelligent creatures on the planet, and they’re a symbol of joy in many cultures.

With a dolphin as your power animal, you’ll find great comfort in being near the water. You might dream of swimming with the dolphins, too!