With the ah-mazing new trailer for Mulan and the exciting casting news for The Little Mermaid, everything’s all about Disney right now. And so, being obsessed with all things astrology, we started to wonder about which Zodiac sign fits each of the classic princesses.
Here’s our best guess for all your favorite animated heroines!

Like everyone born under the sign of Aquarius, Belle is a little bit odd. She’s passionate about the things that interest her, but everything else–including society’s boring rules–simply don’t register.
Aurora is definitely a Pisces. Her daydreams overwhelm real life, and she spends most of her time imagining her handsome prince. Plus, like all Pisces, she’s impossible to wake up from a nap!
With her wanderlust, Ariel is a perfect fit for Sagittarius. She has a big personality and even bigger dreams, and she won’t let her friends and family hold her back from exploring the world.
The heroine of The Princess & The Frog is a classic Capricorn. Tiana works tirelessly toward her goal, never letting any setbacks get in her way. She’s strong-willed, smart, and pays attention to detail.
This snow queen is a total Virgo. With her extreme self-control and tendency to be hard on herself, Elsa shows some of the worst, most self-sabotaging traits of this Zodiac sign. However, her strength and attention to detail also helps her run an entire country.
Like all Geminis, Anna talks too much for her own good. Elsa’s sister from Frozen is quick-witted and a little bit indecisive. She also lets her own enthusiasm carry her into scary situations, like falling for the wrong dude.
Like Ariel, this princess just wants to explore. However, her sensitive nature and connection to the water element makes her more closely aligned to Cancer. You can see Cancer’s fierce protectiveness in Moana, too!
Princess Jasmine from Aladdin is a total Aries. She’s fiery, brave, and not afraid to pick a fight. Her determination–declaring “I am not some prize to be won!”–is a classic Aries trait.
Snow White
Snow White is a gentle, sweet soul who becomes a surrogate mother to everyone she meets. She exemplifies the loving nature of Cancer–including the bit where she hid in a box when life got to be too much.
The heroine of Brave is definitely a Leo. She’s got the wild mane of hair to prove it! Merida is bold and unafraid to take the spotlight, but she learns to be more thoughtful about how her actions affect others during her adventure.
Poor Cinder-ellie. She’s trapped in a Libra’s worst nightmare. This Disney princess just wants to make peace with her awful stepmother and step-sisters, but they’re so unreasonable. She also loves the finer things in life, including impractical shoes!
Enthusiastic Rapunzel from Tangled has more hobbies than any person should manage. Sounds like a Gemini to me! She also charms an entire bar full of ruffians, proving her Gemini ability to talk to literally anyone.
With her fierce determination, fighting spirit, and loyalty to her family, Mulan represents the best of Scorpio. She doesn’t fit into the mold of the “perfect” daughter, but that won’t stop Mulan from becoming the hero China needs.
Pocahontas is a Taurus. With her deep connection to nature and protective instincts, she embodies the best traits of this gentle, steadfast Earth sign.