My Sign Says
Zodiac Signs Hippies

Flower Power! These Zodiac Signs Are Most Likely to Be Hippies

Although we often think of hippies as gentle stoners who do little more than flash peace signs at each other, there’s much more to them than that. The original hippies of the 1960s were vanguards of social justice and environmentalism.

These 4 signs of the Zodiac are most closely aligned with different aspects of those beliefs. Are you secretly a flower child?

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

You knew Aquarius would make this list! This is the Zodiac sign most associated with the peace and love era–thanks mostly to the song “Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In” from Hair. But even though it’s a bit of a stereotype to say that all Aquarians are hippies, it’s true that this sign wants to change the world.

Aquarius is drawn to activism and charity work. They work tirelessly on their favorite causes, sacrificing their time, money, and personal relationships if necessary.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus is deeply rooted in nature–pun intended! This gentle, steadfast sign of the Zodiac aligns with the hippy belief in healing the environment. You won’t find anyone with a greener thumb or a greater dedication to making their little corner of the world into a beautiful place to grow.

Taurus is the MVP of shopping local, growing their own produce, and rattling off the best foods to buy organic. They can tell you all about the dangers of fast fashion and the steps you can take to make your lawn more environmentally friendly. In fact, if you ask nicely, Taurus will probably help you green up your life!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Hippies were usually minimalists at heart. Sure, they might have worn a few too many necklaces for some people’s tastes, but hippies often lived simply and ditched unnecessary possessions in favor of traveling light.

Sagittarius has a wanderer’s heart, and the idea of living in an RV or out of a backpack while they see the world is hugely appealing. This sign of the Zodiac prefers to collect experiences and memories rather than possessions.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Belief in universal energy, alternative healing, and yes, even astrology has been on the rise since the heyday of the hippies. Wicca is one of the fastest growing spiritual movements in the United States, and more and more people are willing to accept that there are forces beyond our understanding at work in the world.

Pisces could have told you all of that ages ago, if you’d been willing to listen. As the most intuitive and empathic sign of Zodiac, Pisces is in touch with psychic energies. They are also the most likely sign to have an oversized collection of crystals, essential oils, and natural remedies.