My Sign Says

The 5 Zodiac Signs That Have Jealousy Issues in Relationships

Astrology has given these 5 zodiac signs an unfortunate problem when it comes to relationships: Jealousy. In this article, we will show you what brings out the green-eyed monster in these zodiac signs so that you can see it coming and exorcise that demon immediately!

1. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio has a big problem with both jealousy and envy. If someone gets advantages they don’t get or something they feel they deserve, it’s sure to evoke envy. If their partner begins to get too much attention from someone else, jealousy rears its ugly head.

And when Scorpio gets envious or jealous – there’s a reckoning to be had. Scorpio will seek and find a way to get stinging revenge, come hell or high water!

2. Aries (March 21-April 19)

One thing that’s important in relationships is doing things together, right? Unfortunately, depending on what you decide to do, it will become a competition for Aries. And woe to you if you get the upper hand on your partner.

They will become instantly jealous if they are not number one. If you see some childish behavior or receive some harsh treatment your partner – it’s a clear sign Aries is venting their jealousy!

3. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius are intelligent people with big egos, and their jealousy can arise if they believe they aren’t the smartest or most informed person in the room. So the problem that comes in relationships is when they are dealing with a partner that is their intellectual equal (or worse if a superior) or is as up-to-date on things as they are.

If their partner happens to one-up them on anything, it’s not going to sit well with them at all – and it will get ugly. From that point forward, they will try to knock their partner down a peg by making them look bad or embarrassing them on something as a way for Aquarius to recover their superiority.

4. Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo wants to be the center of attention and that’s where the problems with jealousy start. If you aren’t giving your Leo partner enough attention, they’ll go seek it elsewhere. And worse – if you are giving attention to someone else they might view as being their romantic competition – that can lead to some serious relationship trouble (read: affair).

The only way to avoid jealousy issues with your Leo partner is to constantly feed their ego and never let them feel that they aren’t the center of your world.

5. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus are extremely hard workers and when they see their partner putting out half the effort (in their mind) and getting rewarded first or more so than they do, it really gets under their skin and the green-eyed monster inside them boils over. The fact that Taurus and their partner have separate jobs and careers doesn’t matter, it still makes them jealous.

Taurus thinks that because they work harder, they should be rewarded more than their partner. They believe true fairness is taking out what you put in. And because they work harder than everyone else, Taurus believes they deserve a larger piece of the pie.