My Sign Says
An African American woman expresses frustration.

Fraught Emotions and Psychic Hits: Today’s Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Full moons are always an intense time, and during a lunar eclipse, those energies are even stronger. Let’s take a look at what today has in store for us.

Mercury is Sextile Uranus at 7:11 AM

This morning, Mercury in emotional Cancer forms a sextile angle with Uranus in grounded Taurus. This transit can bring exciting developments and stimulating conversations. We’re longing to learn new things and meet new people. It’s a great time to seek out new connections—especially those with different backgrounds from our own. We can learn from each other and find common ground.

Intuition and psychic talents will be heightened. All senses are heightened right now, actually, making us more perceptive than usual. That will be very useful for the day(s) ahead. Keep an open mind, and you might find creative solutions to recurring or long-standing problems. Remember to look at things from a different angle today.

The Moon is Opposite Venus Rx at 9:00 AM

A bit later this morning, the moon in Sagittarius moves opposite of Venus, currently retrograding in Gemini. This can bring about an increased desire for love and affection, and an urge to go looking for it if it’s not readily available. We could be experiencing some moodiness if we don’t feel seen by a partner or loved one. Be careful not to replace that affection you’re seeking with food, alcohol, or other substances.

Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius at 2:13 PM

This afternoon, our moon in Sagittarius goes full, and we enter into a lunar eclipse. These might not be the easiest energies to navigate. They can bring on feelings to impatience, impulsiveness, and possibly even hostility in the area of already-strained relationships.

A lunar eclipse brings thoughts of home, family, and intimate relationships into sharp focus. There’s an increased chance of tensions surrounding these areas of our lives, but as we discussed earlier, there’s also a heightened sense of intuition and psychic awareness. Meaning things aren’t completely out of your hands. If you center yourself and look at things from another perspective, you’ll be able to read these situations clearly and navigate them accordingly. Your actions and reactions are always within your control.

Lunar eclipses are times to reset our emotions, and release any stagnant, pent-up energies over the last six months. What are you ready to let go of?

The Moon is Square Mars at 2:45 PM

When our lunar eclipse squares off with Mars, it can bring some anger to the surface. Again, it will be incredibly important to remain aware of this so you don’t lose control of your temper and cause harm to those around you. Be on guard for emotional attacks from others as well. You won’t help things by reacting in a rash or impulsive way. You also won’t be doing yourself any favors by bottling up these emotions. You’ll need to strike a balance today, perhaps by channeling that energy productively on your own. Physical activity or journaling could help here.

The Moon is Square Neptune at 11:10 PM

Later this evening, the moon squares off with Neptune in dreamy Pisces, and we might be feeling a bit raw and sensitive, even questioning reality. This day, and many leading up to it, have been filled with intense, fraught emotions. There’s a chance you’re suffering from some empathy burnout.

It’s time to retreat or escape. Just make sure you do it in a healthy way. Write a story, sing or play music, bake a cake, watch a favorite movie, or go to bed early. If you’re feeling too emotional to handle things on your own right now, reach out a trusted friend to talk things out.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.