My Sign Says
Close up of a woman's eye.

Today’s Scorpio Moon Lets Us See Through the BS

There’s a lot happening in the skies today, and with the moon shifting into dark and perceptive Scorpio, a lot of today’s energies center on seeing things for what they really are, despite what we’re being told. Let’s dig in.

The Moon is Square Pluto at 2:14 AM

Overnight, the moon in Libra formed a square with Pluto in Capricorn. This transit can lead to impulsive and destructive behavior, and deeply buried feelings can resurface. It’s best to work to get these emotions out of your subconscious, possibly through some meditation or automatic journaling.

Emotional power struggles with friends, family, and partners could turn a bit ruthless. The world is on edge right now, and differences of opinion can turn volatile. With a little patience and love, however, they can turn into learning opportunities.

Conscious awareness will help us deal with dark, unconscious areas of our natures—things like bigotry, racism, and deep seeded fears. This transit can lead to the release and reprogramming of the worst of our habits if we’ll let it.

The Moon is Square Jupiter at 5:48 AM

Early this morning, the moon in Gemini formed a square with Jupiter in Capricorn, smoothing off some of those uncomfortable edges. This transit has us feeling a bit more optimistic, like we can make some change in the world. It would be a good day to turn our focus toward charitable work, or using our influence to raise awareness to a cause.

Just be mindful to fill your own cup during this time as well. The thread of emotional burnout right now is incredibly high.

The Moon Moves into Scorpio at 12:04 PM

Just after noon, the moon moves into reflective Scorpio. Scorpio moons have a dark, intense, and passionate energy. Scorpio likes to explore the depths of our psyches.

This moon brings out an increased psychic focus, which helps us read people and their motivations in an uncanny way. Scorpio reminds us to look a little bit closer, and to dig a little bit deeper, to see what’s really going on under the surface. There’s no room for small talk right now. We’re ready to explore the uncomfortable subjects that will ultimately lead to our healing.

The Moon is Square Saturn at 1:33 PM

This afternoon, the moon in Scorpio forms a square with Saturn in Aquarius, leaving us with a slightly restless feeling. It might also bring us some feelings of sadness, loneliness, guilt, or shame. You may be feeling like you’re in a funk, maybe even after dwelling on past relationship failures, loss, or grief.

A bout of low self esteem could keep you from openly sharing your emotions, and you might be feeling more isolated and distant from your loved ones that you have been lately.

Venus is Square Mars at 7:41 PM

This evening, Venus in Gemini forms a square with Mars in receptive Pisces. This specific transit can bring about tensions with a sexual partner. If your relationship is strong, this might just add a little spice to things. If you’ve got troubles in the bedroom already, it could prove to be a challenging time.

We also have a tendency toward anger, impulsiveness, and a lack of self control at this time. Be conscious of how this affects your interactions with others. Keep in mind that we’re all feeling a bit exhausted and raw right now, and no one is completely sure how to act towards each other. Be gentle in your actions toward your loved ones.

The Moon is Trine Mercury at 9:40 PM

Later tonight, the moon in Scorpio forms a trine with Mercury in Cancer, making us feel like we’re seeing things clearly for the first time in a while. Our feelings and intuition are balanced by our rationality and keen perception, ultimately leading to self awareness and sound judgment.

This is a great time to use a social platform to share your insights with others. Whether that’s through public speaking, writing, or any other form of communication that’s calling to you, you should let your voice be heard.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.