My Sign Says

The 5 Most Envious of All Zodiac Signs

First, let’s clarify something a lot of people tend to confuse: Envy versus jealousy. They aren’t the same things.

According to psychologists, jealousy occurs when a third person threatens something we already possess. Typically, this is a relationship. Therefore, jealousy is a three-person situation.


On the other hand, envy occurs around the lack of something. Therefore, envy is a two-person situation. You might envy someone else’s attractiveness, talents or career.

While envy and jealousy can occur at the same time, and can be linked together – that’s a whole different article.

Now that we are clear on what envy is, here are the 5 most envious zodiac signs…

1. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Envy never stops running through the mind of a Taurus. No matter what someone else gets: a new car, a vacation getaway, a promotion, etc. – they think they deserve the same, and question why they don’t have those things. “What did she/he do to deserve that?” Taurus will ask. Even things as simple as a lunch order… When they see something else on someone’s plate, they’ll instantly have regret they didn’t order the same.

2. Scorpio (October 23-November 22)

Scorpios are passionate and aggressive people who like to dominate. It doesn’t sit well with them when someone surpasses them, and they can’t help feeling a bit envious. Especially if that person makes gains in what Scorpio sees as an unfair advantage, they will not only become envious, but highly resentful. In extreme cases, where someone benefits over them through cheating or other dubious means, Scorpio’s envy may be so strong that they will exact revenge on that person.

3. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgos are perfectionists, and anything someone else has that seems to be better than something in their life – triggers the green-eyed monster. If it’s something they can’t have themselves, then they will criticize and belittle what the other person has or has done, to diminish its importance. That way, they can still make themselves look better or make the other person seem less special or unworthy.

4. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

While Gemini might be chairing someone on, or patting them on the back, underneath – they may be thinking quite the opposite. It may look like they are supporting someone’s assent, but they may secretly be wishing for their downfall. In fact, one of the strongest ways Gemini shows their envy is by gossip. Never forget that Gemini can be two-faced. While they’ll be supportive to someone’s face, an envious Gemini will be running them into the ground and calling them undeserving behind their back.

5. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorns hold themselves to very high standards, and though not naturally envious, a bit of envy can develop when they have worked especially hard and someone else outshines them – especially without doing nearly the same amount of work. Capricorn believe hard work brings equal results. So when other person succeeds without working as hard, that “luck” gets under their skin. When Capricorn begins to feel envy, they get mad at themselves, digging in and working that much harder.