My Sign Says
Two friends having fun

Keep It Weird: Zodiac Sign Duos That Are Just Plain Wild

Some Zodiac sign pairings help balance each other, but these dynamic duos bring out the wildest, weirdest impulses in each other.

If you want a friend who’ll go on a spontaneous adventure or an uninhibited partner for your freakiest fantasies, then read on to discover your perfectly imperfect match.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries, you’re already an impulsive person. But how do you channel that energy into something fun and spontaneous? That’s where Gemini can help.

Although you might overlook this brainy Air sign, if you get to know them, you’ll find a playful mind just brimming with creative ideas to get the two of you into trouble.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, your stubbornness is both your greatest asset and your biggest problem. That’s why you need a free spirit to shake up your routine.

Aquarius might seem like the classic Manic Pixie Dream, but there’s a lot more to them than unconventional clothes and a passion for weird music and foreign food. Hang around with an Aquarius and you’re bound to end up with broadened horizons.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, you don’t need anyone to help you come up with harebrained schemes and crazy plans. What you do need, however, is someone bold enough to follow through with them.

Sagittarius will push you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to act on your ideas. Plus they’ll never judge you for wanting to try something new.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Sometimes, it feels like no one really understands you, Cancer. You’re a sensitive heart wrapped in prickly armor–but there’s another sign of the Zodiac who feels the same way.

Scorpio is secretly a big ol’ softie on the inside, and the two of you can connect on an emotional level that no one else will get.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

What’s the only sign of the Zodiac that could possibly compete with Leo for sheer fabulosity? Why, another Leo, of course!

When two Leos team up, then there’s nothing you can’t–or won’t–do. Instead of clashing egos, it’s a non-stop love fest as you two bask in the glory of the spotlight together.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Busting a Virgo out of a rut is tough. It takes a special kind of person to do it, but Pisces is up for the challenge. The two of you view the world in almost completely opposite ways, but spending time with a Pisces means being free to be your true self.

That’s a huge gift, so don’t be afraid to embrace the more “woo-woo” aspects of Pisces’ personality in return.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Libra, sometimes you need to forget about making nice with everyone and do what you want for a change.

Aries can help you with that.

This passionate Fire sign doesn’t care about boring stuff like society’s rules or polite behavior. Take a walk on the wild side with an Aries and discover a bold new way of being.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

It could be argued that Scorpio doesn’t need anybody’s help in getting weird. You’re comfortable with the darker side of your personality and don’t have any shame about your desires. But wouldn’t it be nice, once in a while, to have someone treat you like royalty?

If Leo welcomes you into their pride, you’ll have someone in your corner for life. That kind of ride-or-die support can help you be your most authentic self with confidence.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius, the problem with most of your big ideas is that they lack the necessary planning to truly succeed. You’re smart, kind, and big-hearted… but you’re not great with money or other boring details.

That’s why, to truly become your gloriously wild self, you need someone who can take care of all that for you. Get yourself a Virgo to manage those mundane details and free you up to have fun.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20)

Work hard. Play hard. That’s the Capricorn way. But when was the last time you let yourself feel like a kid, without any worries or responsibilities?

That’s pretty much how Sagittarius lives every day of their lives. Team up with one of them, and you’ll find yourself crossing a lot of stuff off your bucket list–and having fun while you do it.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius doesn’t need any help to get weird. They’ve got that covered. What they do need is someone who can keep up with them.

Gemini is just as bold and creative as you, plus they’re very easy to talk into crazy schemes like driving cross-country in a school bus or taking a last-minute trip to track down the best pizza in New York City.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Truth be told, most people already consider Pisces to be a bunch of weirdos. That’s fine with you; in fact, you’d rather not waste your time on skeptics and cynics.

When you get more than one Pisces in a room together, though, things are bound to get a little strange. Maybe even spooky. The pair of you are more likely to go on a ghost hunt instead of a happy hour, but that’s just how you like it.