My Sign Says
a woman sitting on the floor being productive

Venus is in Virgo, and You’re Taking Care of Business

The moon in Aries is injecting our day (and weekend) with a good bit of restlessness and impulsivity. But Venus, planet of love and beauty, is moving into analytical Virgo, providing a much needed grounding energy.

The Moon is Square Jupiter at 10:10 AM

This morning, the moon forms a square with Jupiter in Capricorn. And things start to feel a bit boring. We’re feeling restless, and our emotions could be amplified under this transit, which could lead to some dramatic outbursts. It’s important not to get impulsive or reckless out of a desire for novelty, especially in your relationships.

Instead, shift your focus to creating something good and beautiful in the world. It might be a good time for spiritual or educational pursuits.

Venus Moves into Virgo at 3:36 PM

Venus moves into the sign of Virgo this afternoon. Under this transit, we turn to expressing our love through taking care of the details. That might not sound like the sexiest thing at face value, but caring for, nurturing, and protecting those we love through even the most mundane tasks is seriously romantic.

And don’t forget, Virgo is an earth sign. They’re no strangers to sensuality. Just watch out for a tendency to be too critical of your partner.

Being supportive of our friends and family becomes quite fulfilling under this transit. It’s an excellent time to check in with your loved ones to see if you can lend a helping hand, a listening ear, or a shoulder to cry on. Take advantage of that charitable energy and look for ways to support your local community, or other causes you’re passionate about, through acts of service.

You may suddenly be very conscious of your financial status and how you handle money. Frugality is the name of the game; every purchase needs to make sense in a practical way. You might start to feel guilty or irresponsible if you don’t get a handle on your spending.

The Moon is Square Pluto at 6:52 PM

This evening, the moon in Aries forms a square with Pluto in grounded Capricorn. Our impulsiveness butts up against a bit of introspection, and that can cause some discomfort. This could lead to some compulsive or destructive behavior, as some long-buried wounds or traumas are pulled to the surface.

It’s quite possible that some of these wounds have to do with family history, so be on the lookout for emotional power struggles with family members or partners.

This isn’t fun by any means, but it’s very important not to bury things even further. You need to find a way for that energy to move through you. Talk to a friend, get your thoughts down on paper, or seek out the counsel of a professional.

The Moon is Conjunct Mars at 12:00 AM

At midnight, the moon in fiery Aries forms a conjunction with Mars in, guess who? Fiery Aries. Double the Aries, double the fun. It should be no surprise that this placement can bring about some passionate emotions. It can also instill a zest for life and an energy that’s infectious to everyone around you.

We may be wearing our hearts on our sleeves today, and the healthiest thing we can do is clear the air when a strong emotion comes up. Though you might not be able to hold those emotions in even if you tried.

This weekend, you might be feeling bold and brave, and wanting to take quick and decisive action. There’s also the chance of some irritability if people don’t get behind your plans. You should communicate what you need, but try to channel that into a physical activity instead of blowing up at your loved ones.

All the aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, please adjust to your own location.