My Sign Says
A caucasian and African American hold hands against a blue backdrop.

Gemini and Libra Are Asking Us to Lean On Each Other

After a tumultuous weekend, today’s planetary energies are nudging us toward love, friendship, community, and lifting each other up. All things that are desperately needed, wouldn’t you agree?

The Sun is Trine the Moon at 4:25 AM

While most of us were sleeping, the sun in Gemini formed a trine with the moon in Libra, ushering in a sense of peace and harmony. In such an airy trine, our conscious and unconscious selves are brought into balance, with our intellect and emotions working together.

This harmony could extend to our professional and private lives. It’s easy to make new friends and connections. We can also improve our current relationships with friends, family, and partners—especially female relationships.

It could be good to reach out to the women in your life today for advice, counsel, or just to chat. You know you’ve been missing them like crazy these last months. They could be the key to working out some current fears and frustrations that you haven’t been able to name.

At the very least it could be beneficial to gather (virtually if need be) to unpack the tumultuous events of the past weeks. How can you best serve your community, at the local level and beyond?

The Moon is Trine Venus at 10:18 AM

Later on this morning, the moon in Libra forms a trine with Venus in Gemini. This aspect also brings a sense of love, tenderness, and friendship. It’s important to reach out to loved ones and check in. Because Venus is in retrograde, it’s possible we’ll have the urge to connect with long-lost friends, or revisit past events or actions which may have jeopardized relationships.

The moon trine Venus is a very maternal aspect, so you may have babies on the brain. Then again, you might just have an urge to nurture and protect those around you who are hurting the most.

The moon and Venus also amp up our charm and attractiveness, and it could be hard for people to say no to you right now. It could be a good time to go after a promotion, a loan, or a favor. You could also use that energy to do some good around you. To be an ally for those who need it, and to stand up for the people in your life who don’t have the same influence you do.

You may be feeling creative today, and Libra has us wanting to beautify everything around us. This could mean a shopping spree and a bit of redecorating. But perhaps it means spreading a little beauty into this world that’s in so much pain—through your art and your words, but mostly your actions.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, please adjust for your time zone.