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spooky girl reading a horror novel

Scary Stories to Read This Halloween for Every Zodiac Sign

Last week, we predicted the best Halloween movies for each Sign of the Zodiac to enjoy. But what if you’re more of a bookworm?

Here are the best spooky, scary, and downright terrifying books to pick up, based on your Sun Sign’s archetype.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It’s no secret that you’re not a huge reader, Aries, but that doesn’t mean you’re allergic to books. Why not try the Locke & Keye graphic novels from Joe Hill (son of Stephen King) this October?

There’s blood and gore galore, and some genuine scares from this family saga steeped in murder and mystery.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, you’re pretty tough. But you will still be sleeping with the lights on once you finish Stephen King’s classic novel The Stand.

While It is more popular at the moment thanks to the successful movie adaptations, we think you’ll appreciate the less gory but no less terrifying tale of good versus evil instead.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Is House of Leaves a traditional horror novel? Not really, but that’s one of the reasons it’s such a good fit for you, Gemini.

The book is all about communication, storytelling, and the deep-seated terror of our own minds–plus it’s got that cool, hipster cred you just can’t resist.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson is genuinely scary, but it’s also deeply tragic and thought-provoking.

The novel is as much a family drama as a ghost story, and it makes a great, quick read for a book club or school project.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Is there anything more horrifying than feeling like a nobody, Leo? In Daphne Du Maurier’s classic suspense novel Rebecca, the narrator is so overshadowed by the memory of her husband’s first wife that she doesn’t even warrant a name.

This novel has it all–romance, mystery, and revenge.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

When you do find time to read, Virgo, you want to make it worth your while. That’s why a classic such as The Turn of the Screw by Henry James is a perfect fit for you.

It’s “real” literature, but it’s also genuinely scary. Plus the next season of Netflix’s The Haunting of Hill House is based on it, so you’ll have a head-start on all your friends who want to talk about the TV show.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Although the series has since spiraled off into some weird directions, the original Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice is still a seductive, wicked treat for Halloween.

You’ll love the globe-trotting narrative and decadent main characters. Amazingly enough, the movie adaptation starring Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt is pretty good, too.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Reconnect with a childhood classic, Scorpio, and pick up a copy of Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury.

The 1962 novel explores the secret desires and dark longings of a seemingly ordinary small town when a sinister circus rolls into town.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius, it might be hard to believe, but sometimes the book is better than the movie. Case in point: I Am Legend by Richard Matheson.

The Will Smith movie got this horror classic–about the last human left on Earth after a plague turns everyone else into vampires–totally wrong. Give the book a chance this Halloween.

Capricorn (December 23-January 20)

If you’re going to read a horror novel, it better be true crime. You don’t have the patience for fiction, Capricorn, so pick up Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood.

If you’d rather read something contemporary, what about Michelle McNamara’s I’ll Be Gone in the Dark, which helped lead to the capture of the Golden State Killer?

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

You are all about Frankenstein, Mary Shelley’s classic novel about a tragically misunderstood monster. Most people have never bothered to read this 1818 classic, written by a young woman with boundless imagination and intellect.

The feminist angle, along with the social commentary baked into every page of Frankenstein, is very appealing to you as an iconoclastic Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

It doesn’t get better than the OG Dracula by Bram Stoker. It’s goth in all the best ways, and you’ve always had a soft spot for Victorian literature.

Plus Mina Harker is a totally underrated heroine. Grab yourself a copy of this book and discover the origin of the world’s most famous–and seductive–vampire.