My Sign Says

Will You Be Prepared for Retirement? Find Out What Your Zodiac Sign Says!

Will you save a comfortable nest-egg for retirement? Or will you be forced to work until you drop? The answer might lie in your Zodiac sign!

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn

As the most grounded—literally—of all the zodiac signs, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the most likely to be prepared for their retirement years. People born under an earth sign tend to be practical, diligent, and organized.

Virgos are “old souls” who thrive as they grow into adulthood. Taurus folks have the determination and focus to stick with their plans. And Capricorns are the most likely to start saving for retirement from their very first job.

Air Signs: Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini

People born under an air sign—that’s Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini—are at the opposite end of the spectrum from sensible earth signs. They’re often disorganized rule-breakers who focus on the present instead of the future. Unfortunately, that means they won’t have much of a safety net by the time they hit retirement.

Aquarians will miss the built-in community of the workplace when they retire. Libras struggle with balance now that they have so much downtime. And as for Geminis, they will probably have to work forever because they spend every penny as soon as they get paid.

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius

Competitive fire signs always want to win. So what happens when the race is finally over? Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius might find themselves feeling a little lost when they reach retirement age. Fire sign folks might consider starting their own businesses—or even going back to school to launch a second career.

Leos need to be around people to thrive, so expect them to rule the retiree social scene. Aries should definitely consider being an entrepreneur because they won’t be content in a typical 9-to-5 anyway. Sagittarians are typically free spirits who probably changed jobs often—and didn’t save much for retirement along their zigzag career paths.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces

In many ways, water signs have it rough. They’re ruled by emotions and tend to be thin-skinned, and they worry a lot about the future. Of course, that worry doesn’t necessarily translate into taking action to ensure a comfortable retirement.

Pisceans may feel disappointed when they reach retirement age that they didn’t follow their creative dreams when they had the chance. Cancers are gentle spirits who will put everyone’s else’s happiness before their own. And Scorpios don’t cope well with obstacles or setbacks, so be prepared to have a rocky ride into retirement.