My Sign Says

5 Zodiac Signs Guilty of Micro-Cheating

Micro-cheating is something likely to come up in dating these days, especially given the fact that there may not be any firm commitment in place. Unfortunately, the person doing the micro-cheating may not even realize they are doing so.

Micro-cheating is definitely driven by personality traits and that’s why certain signs of the zodiac are likely to have a higher predisposition toward doing so than others.

What is micro-cheating?

You may not have even heard of the term micro-cheating. Its name alone implies that it is a teeny tiny type of cheating. And this is where some confusion lies.

Some may feel that it’s so small that it really isn’t cheating. Conversely, some feel that any kind of cheating is cheating – no matter how small or infinitesimal.

Micro-cheating certainly isn’t the type of cheating such as kissing someone else or sleeping with someone – that is full-on cheating.

Rather, Micro-cheating is considered to be a close relative “emotional cheating.”

Really, the only new thing micro-cheating brings is the way in which it is executed, which due to technology – means online.

In the most innocuous way, it might be trolling dating sites or Tinder swiping for fun.

And while micro-cheating is kind of a new word in our vocabulary, more or less, it is nothing more than an older word and practice: Flirting.

Micro-cheating is making text or social media communication with another party that could become a possible flame – especially when it becomes too friendly.

1. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini, quite simply, can’t make up their minds and can’t commit. They can’t resist “shopping the market” to see what other opportunities are out there. Unfortunately, it doesn’t take “an event,” such as a disagreement or disappointment to set them off on this path.

They’ll just have a thought like “I wonder if…” Like the proverbial cat, they just can’t turn off their curiosity. In a blink of an eye, they’re engaged in conversations that are getting pretty steamy.

2. Leo (July 23-August 22)

While Leo can be one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac, there are two points in which that loyalty breaks down: One, when they’re not getting enough attention from you; Two, if you have a bump in the relationship. If either of those two situations occurs, it’s likely that they are going to start checking out their options.

Their micro-cheating is a way of “Google mapping” alternate routes of affection.

3. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer is a zodiac sign that is very needy, clingy and attention starved. Attention for them is like a drug addiction and social media and technology has given them a literal fix to soothe this need. Sometimes their neediness is so out of proportion that one human being cannot possibly fulfill it.

This is what drives Cancer to micro-cheat.

4. Libra (September 23 October 22)

Libra is highly social and communicative by nature and technology has given them the ultimate weapon to micro-cheat – and they simply can’t resist it. Libra is extremely flirtatious to begin with. Because Libra has a proclivity toward being a people pleaser, they have a tendency to go too far.

The more someone responds to their messages, the more they cater to that person and things can get too friendly too fast.

5. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio’s problem is that they have more passion than they know what to do with. Even though they may have stopped dating someone from their past, it doesn’t mean that they still don’t have a passion for them. They may micro-cheat by keeping in touch with this old flame while not telling their dating partner that they are doing so.

In their minds, they aren’t cheating because they see this as a separate friendship.