My Sign Says

The Influence of Mars in Astrology

Your Zodiac sign or Sun sign in astrology is but one part of the way the cosmos affects your horoscope. Planets create an effect on you at different times within your life.


Let’s take a look at the influence of the planet Mars.

Inner planets

Mars is part of what are called “inner planets” in astrology. Inner planets are those which orbit the sun more quickly. Because of this, they affect your life in a more day-to-day way. The three inner planets are Mercury, Mars and Venus.

Mars and the planet Venus have a bit of a dual effect on us. As Venus is a planet associated with feminine energy, Mars is associated with the masculine. The feminine energy of Venus helps to temper the fiery masculine aspect of Mars.

Mars and your horoscope

How Mars affects you depends on where the planet Mars was at the moment you were born. To determine that, you will need to use a birth chart to determine what astrological house Mars was in at the time of your birth.

The influence of Mars

Mars is a planet of action and influences our impulses. Mars has an effect on motivation, drive – including sex drive, as well as, ambition, discipline, willpower, determination, stamina and vitality.

Mars determines your most primal passions and desires. In your sex life, it is Mars that determines just what it is that turns you on.

Mars has an effect on what triggers our impulses, and in turn, how we control them. If there is a week Mars influence on our self-control, it can seed our anger, which can lead to rage or violence.

Mars & your interests

How much influence Mars has over you will affect the way in which you utilize your energy in your day-to-day activities and interactions with others.

Mars is the fire that fuels our passions, ambitions and how determined we are. Mars is the vital driving factor behind what interests us, what we pursue, and how much effort we put toward our achievements in life. Our momentum towards whatever it is we desire, whether we do it passively, moderately or in a full-blown fury – are all Mars-influenced.

Mars & sex drive

When it comes to your love life and sex drive, the influence of Mars will determine whether you are a red-hot Casanova with an insatiable appetite, or will be more moderate with your sexual desires.

Conflict & frustration

Mars also plays a key role in how you deal with conflict and frustration. There’s a reason Mars was named after the Roman god of war! Mars has a profound effect on how you deal with your anger and how quickly you fly off the handle – or not.

When the influence of Mars is conflicted in your birth chart, it can result in inhibiting the planet’s influence. Because this Mars energy is repressed, it can yield negative results. As the energy of Mars finds other pathways to extrude from, it creates a constant irritability factor, resulting in someone who always seems to be upset about something. This repression is also often the cause behind an inability to control one’s anger.