My Sign Says

Money Magic: A Ritual for Manifesting Wealth and Abundance

Woman pulling money out of purse

What if I told you that the only thing standing between you and the type of wealth and prosperity you dream of was yourself? Because, Dear Reader, that’s what’s happening.

But I have a gift for you. I’ve created a ritual to help you break free from the chains that have held you in scarcity, and manifest magic and abundance beyond your wildest dreams.

It’s not a get rich quick scheme. At least not in the traditional sense. It will take some work on your behalf. But if you’re ready to do that work, and will allow me to guide you through it, an untold fortune could be headed your way very soon.

Are you ready?

Woman journaling

Take Stock of Your Present Situation

First thing’s first: Money is energy. It either flows, or it’s blocked somewhere. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, meaning that whatever vibration you’re putting out into the universe is returned in kind. This can be a bitter pill to swallow, but if money isn’t flowing to you, it’s time to take a good hard look at your mindset around your finances.

Negative self-talk and limiting beliefs are huge culprits here. You may be wishing for more money, but do you truly believe, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you’re capable of attracting it?

It is entirely possible that you consciously operate in an abundance mindset, but subconsciously you’re ruled by a lack mentality. And you’re not alone. This is a very common root of financial woes. But if you want to manifest wealth beyond your wildest dreams, you’ll need to do the work to get your subconscious and conscious minds on the same page.

If you’re interested in exploring these issues in a more in-depth way, I’m offering two tarot readings that will be immensely helpful for you. One is a Shadow Work Reading, and it will help you pinpoint the limiting beliefs that hold your subconscious mind hostage.

The other is a Financial Forecast Reading, and it will help to identify your blocks and limiting beliefs around abundance.

I urge you to receive both of these offerings. These energetic blocks need to be worked through as soon as possible. And the clearing of those blocks will be of utmost importance going forward with this ritual.

Crystals, candles, and sage

Gather Your Tools

This ritual will be what you make it. There are really no concrete rules here, so feel free to improvise in ways that make it more meaningful and accessible for you. The most important thing is that this feels authentic, because if you don’t believe whole-heartedly in what you’re asking the universe for, it’s not likely to deliver that half-hearted request.

That said, there are some tried and true tools that I like to work with when I do similar rituals. Take a few minutes to gather your tools before you get started. You can read more about my recommended energetic cleansing tools here.

Ritual Tools:
A pen
A journal
Sage, Palo Santo, or another incense of your choice
A green candle
A fire-safe bowl or cauldron
A vessel of water
A dish of salt

Optional Items:
Essential oils (I recommend frankincense, patchouli, and spruce)
Crystals (I recommend clear quartz and citrine)
Herbs (Bay leaves and ground cinnamon)
A piece of paper money (The higher the denomination the better, but $1 will also work)

Woman burning sage

Create Your Sacred Space

The space you set for your ritual is incredibly important. Do what you can to clear an area of clutter, adorn it with the tools that you’ve gathered and other beautiful items that you love, and ensure that you’ll remain uninterrupted for the duration.

I like to set up a circle on the floor, with cushions that will make the ritual relaxed and comfortable. Light your incense, and walk around your circle, cleansing the air of your sacred space. Waft the smoke over yourself as well, energetically cleansing your person.

Then set the incense down to the east of your circle, representing the element of air. Light your candle, and set it down to the south of your circle, representing the element of fire. Place your dish of salt to the north, representing the element of earth. And finally place your vessel of water to the west, representing the element of water.

If you would rather remain seated in a chair, do so at a surface that you can set up as an altar for this ritual. You can still set up your tools in their correct orientation, but they don’t have to be surrounding you. Either way, make sure you can easily see the bill of money. You’ll be focusing on it during your visualization work.

Woman dancing

Raise Your Frequency

As we mentioned before, the vibration you put out into the universe will be returned in kind. Well, we’re asking for some big things right now, so you’ll need to do what you can to raise your frequency as high as possible.

If you’re using essential oils, drop a couple of drops of each into your left hand, rub your hands together, and then cup them over your nose. Take three deep breaths, and visualize the high frequency of these oils entering your body on the inhales, and all low vibrations leaving on the exhales. Then anoint yourself on your wrists, over your heart, and over your third eye.

If you wish to perform your ritual in peace and quiet, by all means do so. But if you have the urge to play music or chanting, that can be a wonderful addition. Try to find something that’s not distracting, but that makes you want to move. And then dance. 

This is a fabulous way to raise your frequency. Dance for as long as you intuitively want to, and then take a seat on your cushion on the floor, or in your chair.

The last thing we’ll do to raise our vibration is to focus on gratitude. Gratitude is a vibrational match to abundance. Zig Ziegler once said, “Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”

Take out your journal and pen and write at least five things you’re grateful for in your current situation. If you can fill the page, even better. The point is to turn our minds from thoughts of “I don’t have…” to “I’m so thankful for…” Then watch how your mood improves in a matter of seconds. It’s pure magic, I promise.

Woman adding herbs to a cauldron

Perform Your Ritual

The stage is set, now let’s get down to business. First, we’ll focus on re-wiring some of those negative self-talk habits so ingrained in our subconscious minds.

Our subconscious stops developing around the age of seven years old, so it can be difficult for it to focus on things. That’s why affirmations are such a fantastic tool to use when working with our subconscious. They’re short, to the point, and hopefully memorable enough that they’re easy to repeat throughout the day and night, for as long as we need them.

We often think of the word affirmation as “a nice or pleasant mantra,” but in actuality, it’s the confirmation of a truth. Our conscious and subconscious minds are engaged in constant dialog, and most of us don’t realize that.

Every thought that goes through the conscious mind, the subconscious takes as gospel. And for a lot of us, what constantly runs through our conscious minds are thoughts that are harmful to that sensitive and oh so gullible inner child we call our subconscious.

So we’re going to confirm a new truth. It might feel a bit phony at first. That’s natural. You might vacillate between excitement and skepticism. But the trick to get your subconscious—who’s most likely completely mired in self-doubt and scarcity—to believe this new truth is repetition and routine.

They’ll start to get it with some practice and intention. Your conscious mind will follow later. They’ll start to believe when your desires begin manifesting. But we’ve got to start with the subconscious, because that’s who’s been blocking the flow of abundance into your life.



Write a statement that you want that seven-year-old inside you to re-learn about money. Teach them that they’re worthy, and abundant, and are living a life of incredible wealth. Teach them that money is easy to come by; it’s like it grows on trees. Be careful to craft this statement out of only positive words. Don’t say “Money isn’t hard to come by,” or “I am debt free”—you don’t want your subconscious to latch onto the negative words “hard” or “debt.”

It’s also good to make your affirmation an “I am” statement. Like “I am receiving unlimited abundance.” Or “I am worthy of immense wealth.” Or “I am a magnet for money.” This shouldn’t just sound like a wish, it should be a statement you can embody. You’ll know you’ve found the right one when you feel a tingling or an expansion in your gut or chest.

When you’ve settled on it, write your affirmation down in your journal.

woman on boat

Visualization and Scripting

As you write this affirmation down, truly visualize what your life will feel like when this wealth comes your way. Get lost in this fantasy. What are you wearing? What are you driving? Where are you going out to eat? Where are you traveling? What does your living room look like? What products are in your bathroom?

Get as specific with these visualizations as possible. Sight, touch, taste, sound, and smell.

Now, I want you to script out that life. On another page of your journal, write the story of what you just saw. Write it in third person, and describe a life beyond your wildest dreams. Don’t hold back; don’t try to be practical. We’re reaching for unlimited abundance here. Be specific, but don’t play it safe.

If you get stuck, focus on the money in front of you. Imagine other bills just like it floating down to you as easily as if they were leaves falling off of a tree.

Woman burning paper over candle


Now take the piece of paper with your affirmation written on it, tear it out of your journal, and say those words aloud. The power of our voices add so much to this ritual. Moving that energy up through the throat chakra and out into the universe is seriously potent magic. It also makes our subconscious take it just a little more seriously.

Then turn to your candle, to the south of your circle, and as you repeat it out loud, burn your affirmation and drop it into your fire-safe bowl. Mix the ashes with your salt to the north, and add it to your vessel of water to the south.

Then go outside, and pour that water out onto the ground somewhere near your home (or in a houseplant if you’re apartment-bound), thanking the elements for ensuring your message is sent out into the universe.

This closes out your ritual.



The following are some variations on this ritual that could lend to the potency of the energies you’re working with.

It’s especially beneficial to do this work under a new moon, a full moon, or on a Thursday (ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck, growth, and abundance) during a waxing moon.

All of these moon phases are auspicious for doing expansive work, or when you’re wanting to draw things toward you. Of course, if time is of the essence and you can’t wait weeks for the perfect day, by all means, perform your ritual now.

Another variation is to write your affirmation down on a whole bay leaf, rather than a piece of paper, and then burn it. You can also write dollar signs or other symbols of money on a bay leaf and keep it in your wallet or on your altar. Bay leaves are powerful herbs of prosperity and abundance.

The essential oils and crystals I mentioned earlier all have properties of prosperity and abundance as well, and are especially useful in meditations on wealth and manifestation.

Finally, you can take your paper money, dampen it with the water from your vessel, dip your finger in the water and then your ground cinnamon, and draw five lines down the bill towards you.

Cinnamon is an herb of abundance and success, and the drawing motion moves that energy towards you. Afterward either place the bill on your altar, or fold it and place it in your wallet. It would be equally beneficial to hang onto this bill as a potent reminder, or to spend it and send that energy out into the universe.

rolls of money

So, Now What?

Going forward, it’s important to keep up your routine with your affirmation. You can add in additional affirmations if you wish, but don’t overload yourself at first. Write these words on sticky notes and place them around your house. Write them on your bathroom mirror, and keep a reminder in your car.

Record yourself saying them out loud, and play them back when you’re trying to fall asleep. It will soon become second nature, and that’s when the magic will take root.

It’s also important to operate on the assumption that you’re already receiving everything you’ve asked the universe for. When you act from a place of deep belief and knowing, those energetic blocks will dissipate, and that abundant energy will flow to and through you. That’s the Law of Attraction in action.

A woman in a hammock over the ocean stares off toward the sunset.

Thank You

Thank you for allowing me to share this potent and magical manifestation work with you. I hope you will follow these steps, shatter your limiting beliefs, and finally receive the wealth and wild abundance the universe so longs to give to you.