My Sign Says

These Zodiac Signs Miss Entertaining the Most

Some people are just born hosts or hostesses. And at a time when we’re told not to gather, well, let’s say some of us are itching for the chance to get back to our normal entertaining ways.

Read on to see which zodiac signs are going a little bonkers without the chance to throw a party for their nearest and dearest (or the whole neighborhood).

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

Ruled by Venus, goddess of love and beauty, Taurus ain’t too shabby when it comes to both cooking and decorating. The food will be delicious, the decor will be on point, and things will feel simultaneously luxurious yet comfortable and lived in.

Taurus takes pleasure in food, drink, and music, and wishes for their guests to as well. They’ve also carefully curated a vibe for the evening, which their guest list is a part of, so don’t show up unannounced or bring a guest without checking in with them first.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

Gemini probably started out with the idea of a simple affair, but they JUST. KEPT. INVITING. But hey, the more the merrier, right? They’ll likely set up a hodgepodge of a buffet or order food from multiple places so everyone can have their favorites.

They’re not precious about it, they just want everyone to be happy. (Plus this way they don’t have to be the one making the decision.) They have a hard time focusing on one person for too long, and happily flit from conversation to conversation all night.

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

Leo has a reputation for throwing the most epic events, and they’ll be damned if they lose that title. Honestly, when Leo throws a party, they don’t have to invite people. Word spreads and people show.

They’ll pull out all the stops on their decor, have an epic playlist prepared, and even have a themed hashtag ready to go so they can encourage their guests to take tons of photos and share them online.

They’ll make sure their own outfit turns heads, and even the food will be creative and opulent.

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

Another child of Venus, Libra makes sure that everything is beautiful and in order. Decor is immaculate. The table settings are perfectly symmetrical. Even conversations are balanced, with people-pleasing Libra quick to diffuse difficult topics or encounters.

They’re very aware of whether or not their guests are having a good time, and play the social butterfly, ensuring everyone has been properly introduced. The mood caters to everyone equally, just as Libra likes it.

Aquarius (January 21-February 20)

Aquarius is famously gifted at making a lot of friends. They’re nothing if not a mingler and a gatherer, and they love to connect people. Their affairs tend to be creative and slightly offbeat, and they like to make a unique statement.

They can be flighty and distracted during the event, showing off their latest treasures and telling stories. Food might be presented as a social statement, highlighting cultures and causes near and dear to Aquarius at any given moment.

Pisces (February 21-March 20) 

Pisces longs to be an exciting and interesting host, but they also put effort into catering to everyone’s specific needs, which can make things seem a bit disjointed, but quirky and lovable. They love to incorporate watery colors and whimsical elements into their themes.

Bubbly Pisces is quite literally the life of the party, floating around the room, refreshing drinks with love, and taking time to make each and every guest feel as though they’re the only ones on earth. Everyone leaves feeling affirmed and personally taken care of.