My Sign Says

The Face You Show the World, Based on Your Rising Sign

Though it’s the most influential element in your birth chart, you’re never going to get a complete astrological snapshot off of your sun sign alone. Finding your moon sign adds depth, and shows how your internal world reacts to external circumstances. But there is still so much to learn from your chart.

Your rising sign shows the identity you project out into the world, and your outlook of it. It’s the first impression others get off of you, and is also the main reason you’ll hear someone say to you, “There’s no way you’re a Pisces.” Or, “You don’t seem like a Virgo to me!” It’s not until they get to know you a bit more that the rest of your chart placements will make themselves known.

While the sun stays in one sign for around 28-30 days, and the moon transits from sign to sign every two and a half days, the rising sign is far more elusive. It pinpoints the exact point of the horizon at the moment of your birth. Being a couple of hours off could throw off the reading.

To find your rising sign, you’ll need to know your birth date, time, and location specifically. Not everyone has an easy time finding this information, so be sure to check with your family if you don’t know it off hand. There’s also a chance the exact time is printed on your birth certificate. Once you have it, you can pull your natal chart from a free online generator, or download an app like Sanctuary.

Read on to find out what first impression you give the world, according to your rising sign.

Aries (March 21-April 19) 

You come on strong. People’s first impression of you might be that you’re opinionated, independent, and brave. You’re not scared to start a conversation or steer it to where you want it to go. Full of energy, you’re always up for a challenge (or debate) and your motto could very well be “It’s better to ask forgiveness than permission.”

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

You give off an earthy, fierce, and determined vibe. But you’ve got a warm and soft side as well. You’re ruled by Venus, which means you’re no stranger to luxury. You surround yourself with beauty, and you like to share that wealth by nurturing and doting on those closest to you. You’re dependable, with a stubborn, opinionated streak, and people know you can handle yourself in a crisis.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

People first notice your energy, quick wit, and curiosity. You’ve got an eye for trends and are probably the person in your social circle that others go to for social media tips. You can change subjects lightening-fast, and are up to try anything once. Sometimes people don’t quite know how to keep up with you at first, and some might feel like you come off as two (or more) different people at once.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Have you ever met someone who you immediately felt like you could pour your heart and soul out to? So has everyone who’s met you. Cancer risings give off a beautiful sensitive and empathic energy that people tend to flock to. You like your routine, and you like your home—which you’ve curated into a masterpiece of beauty and comfort. You’re probably known as the nurturer or mother of your circle.

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

When you walk into a room, people tend to notice. From the way you dress, to the style of your hair, to the way you keep ’em on the edge of their seat when you tell a story, your life is a piece of performance art. You’re extremely creative, and can express yourself easily through a blog, social media feed, or just your personal style. Some people might think you’re a bit of a showboat. But, I mean, are they wrong?

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

People see you as perfectly poised and put together. You’re methodical and analytical, and make sure that every “i” is dotted and every “t” is crossed. You prefer a simple style—in fact you probably have what you consider a day-to-day uniform because it gives you more time to focus on the important things in life. You might come off a bit cold and “down to business” to people you’ve just met.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

When people see you, they see pure love. You find something beautiful in everyone you meet, and that kind of attitude is contagious. You’re social, and love being around and collaborating with others. You’re also known as the diplomat as the zodiac, and you go out of your way to make sure everyone is happy with every single plan. Some people will think this means that you’re indecisive.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

You tend to come off as mysterious and intense, perhaps like you’ve got your walls up or don’t want to get to know people. That’s not necessarily true, you just don’t do well with small talk. It bores you. And you’ve got a talent for getting a read on people almost instantly. You want to get deep and weird and talk about stuff that’s real, or you’re just as happy being on your own.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 

People see you as fun, adventurous, and optimistic. You love to talk about you traveling and new experiences, and like to compare stories, philosophies, and backgrounds with everyone you meet. You do have a tendency to be rather opinionated, and don’t have much of a filter on that mouth of yours. People can think you’re blunt or maybe even a bit rude, but you just love to say what other people aren’t saying.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20) 

You give off a very driven, ambitious energy. You’re seen as mature and responsible, and hold yourself and others up to incredibly high standards. You can come off a bit cold and aloof to others when they first meet you. And you’re not trying to be rude. You just know what (and who) is worth your time, what what (or who) isn’t. You’ve got big things to do, and you’re not playing around.

Aquarius (January 21-February 20) 

People see you as a big ideas person. Someone with lofty humanitarian goals and who can visualize world peace and how to make it happen. But for all these ideals, you can sometimes come off a bit detached in one on one interactions. Talking about the big stuff is easy; intimacy is a different story. You’ve got a one-of-a-kind style, and like to make it clear that you march to the beat of your own drummer.

Pisces (February 21-March 20) 

The dreamiest sign of the zodiac, you live in your own little world, and people take notice. You can seem a bit distracted when someone first meets you, but it’s because you’re taking everything in—their energy, the energy from the table next to them, and the energy of the whole damn building. You see life as a romantic work of art, and want to share it with every new person you meet.