My Sign Says
A woman wearing glasses stares skeptically at the camera.

These Zodiac Signs are Skeptical of the Zodiac

For some of us, astrology is a way of life. But for others, believing that the placement of planets can actually influence behavior just sounds bonkers. That’s OK, though. Life would be incredibly boring if everyone believed the exact same things.

Read on to find out who’s least likely to believe in the zodiac, according to the zodiac.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

If Virgo can’t see it and study it with their own eyes, they ain’t buying it. Skepticism is in their blood. But if they could get over their ideas that astrology is all superstition and magic, they’d see the kind of complex processes involved in astrological charts and projections. You guys, there’s so much math involved. A serious dream for an analytical little Virgo.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

It’s not that Gemini refuses to look into astrology. They’re naturally curious, and enjoy studying new things. It’s that they just can’t make up their minds on whether they buy into it or not. Some days they’re feelin’ it, some days they’re not. It’s par for the course with the sign of the twins. At least they’re open-minded.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20) 

Another sign that doesn’t often fall for the woo, Capricorn just takes themselves—and life—too seriously to mess with something as fanciful as astrology. To them, it’s childish pseudoscience, and besides, what would people think of them if they let their guard down and admitted to being intrigued by the whole thing?

Too bad. Capricorn could do with a serious dose of whimsy to their lives.

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

Though characteristically open-minded, Libra needs a bit more evidence than most before they make a decision. They’re masters of the pro-con list. They’re not going to believe Mercury Retrograde affects them just because a friend says it, or trust a horoscope in a magazine just because someone printed it.

If they took the time to delve into it more, however, their philosophical little hearts might get a lot out of it.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

The bull is notoriously stubborn (as one of four fixed signs of the zodiac), and they’re not going to be swayed into believing something as impractical as astrology unless it was their idea to begin with.

But if they let go of their insistence that they always have to be right, they could discover some magical things, and maybe even learn what makes them so scared of change.