My Sign Says

These 4 Zodiac Signs are Workaholics

A zodiac-given combination of energy, ambition and persistence has made these 4 zodiac signs total workaholics.

1. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Everyone knows that Capricorn is practical, and to that end, one thing they are obsessed with is doing everything themselves. That’s why they are constantly working on something.

When they finish their regular work, i.e. their day job, they are either involved in a second job or are working on projects around the house. Even though they have the money to hire people to do things for them through home services, they still prefer to save that money and do things themselves.

Overworking is a matter of pride for Capricorn, they are very haughty. Capricorn enjoys pointing out the quality of their work and what they are able to accomplish through their incessant dedication. They may even sarcastically put down other people who take time off to relax as being lazy.

2. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries is out to conquer the world and is a bundle of non-stop energy. They are impulsive, never saying no to an opportunity. The result is, Aries often takes on more than they can handle, allowing themselves no time to rest.

Because Aries is always working and never at home or even traveling, they end up having to hire home services to take care of basic needs such as housekeeping, shopping and meal preparation.

But here’s the thing… Aries actually gets a thrill out of overworking. They love to boast about how much they can do and accomplish. In reality, they are so restless that if they weren’t working all the time – they wouldn’t know what to do with themselves!

3. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo seeks perfection in every area of their life. Because of this perfectionism, they set incredibly high standards that other people can’t realistically live up to. Virgo adheres to the credo: “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” And because of that belief, they won’t delegate things to other people.

Thus, Virgos frequently find themselves endlessly working to get everything they want accomplished done to their liking. This overworking tends to make Virgo irritable and an incessant complainer.

If they could just learn to let go a little and quit sweating all of the small stuff, they would live much happier lives. If they would tap into some home services they wouldn’t have to spend all their time working.

4. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Before the dawn and late into the night, you’ll always find Taurus working nonstop. Bullheaded or stubborn, whatever you want to call them, Taurus just won’t quit – ever. Not only do they want things done, but they want them done right.

And if something is not done well, they have no qualms about scrapping the whole thing and starting over from the beginning.

Half-finished is the same as unfinished in their minds – and it just won’t do. Taurus won’t allow themselves to stop until whatever they started is completed. “Let’s pick this up tomorrow,” is literally not in their vocabulary.