My Sign Says

4 Zodiac Signs that are EXTRA When it Comes to Health

These 4 zodiac signs are totally EXTRA – meaning going all out or over the top – when it comes to their health.

1. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces can be a total worry-wart when it comes to their health. Being that they are overly-sensitive and overly-emotional to begin with, it can play into them being a bit of a hypochondriac. Pisces imagines the worst about any little, strange feeling they experience, seeing it as a symptom of some greater condition.

Being that they are impressionable, they start to believe everything they read on the Internet instead of just listening to a doctor. They even worry about things years before they have to.

Whether they are nearing retirement or not, they are already making plans for Medicare, checking out supplemental plans for Medicare Parts A and B, as well as, Medicare Part D for prescriptions. They also obsess on whether Medicare will even be there anymore by the time they reach retirement age.

Pisces try to convince themselves that all of their worrying over their health is being prepared, but mostly it is simply unnecessary worry.

2. Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgo is one of the most analytical and efficient signs of the zodiac but is also one of his greatest

worriers. One thing Virgo worries about incessantly is their health. Virgo is meticulous about the smallest of details in everything in life, and it is no different when it comes to their health. Rather than being reactive, they are proactive, always taking note of small changes in their bodies and examining them for the possibility of being future problems.

Virgo never misses routine checkups, whether they are medical or dental. Since diet is a major driver of health, Virgos make sure to always eat a balanced diet filled with “real” food and avoids processed food altogether. They are also obsessive about drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Virgo does their best to get 8 hours of sleep per night. Virgo, whether male or female, wants to maintain beauty and they know that their health plays a vital role in sustaining or diminishing their appearance.

3. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn are very practical people personality -wise, but they can be a little obsessive when it comes to their health. Practical thinking demands taking care of what’s most important first. Capricorn stands firm by the belief: “If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.”

There is certainly nothing untrue about that statement. Capricorns fully understand that they are the “engine” that powers everything in their lives. And just like a mechanical engine, it requires routine care and maintenance.

Capricorn knows, that to perform at the peak of their abilities, they have to take care of themselves. They make sure to eat healthy food, engage in regular exercise and get enough sleep each night. Being routine oriented, Capricorn works all these things into their daily schedule.

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, like Pisces, is overly-sensitive and overly-emotional and suffers from the same type of hypochondriac tendencies. It’s in their personality traits to be touchy, moody and crabby, which when coupled with their suspicious nature – they will immediately relate these feelings to be a sign that something must be wrong with them.

In other words, they correlate their mental state with a physical illness. But the only chronic condition they suffer from is worry. Nonetheless, their medicine cabinet is likely to be filled with a variety of supplements, as well as, medications.

Luckily, most doctors recognize that the only thing Cancer needs to be treated for sometimes is simply anxiety.