My Sign Says

5 Zodiac Signs Without Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

While two may become one in a relationship, that doesn’t mean that you still don’t possess your personal boundaries. Even though you are a couple, you’re still an individual.  You need to maintain a certain amount of control over your own life, and that means not allowing others to tell you the way you should think, how you should feel or what you should do.

Astrology has given certain signs specific traits that predisposition them to either being caretakers, people pleasers or self-sacrificing. At the other end of the spectrum, astrology has given other signs traits that literally set no boundaries.

Therefore, they never think about how their actions affect their partner through their lack of self-control.  These five zodiac signs are at the greatest risk of failing to set healthy boundaries within their relationships.

1. Cancer (July 21-July 22)

Cancers need to feel needed leads them to put up with way more than they should. In their quest to keep their partner happy, they’ll even let go of their own ambitions. This is because their foremost ambition is to be wanted, so they will let everything else go as secondary.

For Cancer, a happy home is everything in life to them. This trait a Cancer has goes significantly under-appreciated and they are often taken advantage of because of it.

2. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Confrontation is the last thing in the world that Pisces wants. When faced with this dilemma they do one of two things: Give in or escape. Pisces is the most self-sacrificing sign in the zodiac, and will give up their own personal wants and need to appease their partner.

They are especially gullible to having their partner play the sympathy or guilt card on them to manipulate Pisces into doing what they want.

3. Libra (September 23-October 22)

One of Libra’s gifts is the ability to discuss anything and work out a solution. But at the same time, they are people-pleasers. This becomes a problem in relationships because they are always the one who is first to concede.

They want to avoid confrontation so they will capitulate to allow the other person to walk away happy, rather than fight when they should defend their boundaries.

4. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius’ problem in relationships is having no boundaries. They can act as if they are single with careless behavior that never considers how their own actions affect their partner.

This can range anywhere between running up huge credit card bills or throwing a Sunday party that continues into the wee hours, disrupting their partner’s sleep when they have to get up early for work Monday morning.

5. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Relationships are a partnership in which each party holds their own areas of responsibility, especially so of personal responsibility. Gemini doesn’t always hold up their end of this bargain.

Their lack of commitment, indecisiveness or reluctance to make a decision can place a burden on their partner who has to come in and deal with responsibilities that aren’t and shouldn’t be theirs.

And it’s not like Gemini can’t do this for themselves – they can – they just procrastinate.