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Astrological Timing in Your Daily Life

Practitioners of magick have always used astrology in timing their intent, rituals, spells and invocations, therefore, it stands to reason that because this practice is written in stone for magicians, it only makes sense to apply to our daily lives.

Combining astrology and the methods of magicians is something that has become more commonplace in New Age thoughts and practices.

Look to the heavens

Since ancient times, magick practitioners have always looked to the heavens, charting out astronomical events and timing their work to coincide with the activities in the celestial room.

Magicians consider moon phases, the positions of the planets and planetary hours, and retrogrades in every magical undertaking.

Obviously, all this stuff matters – otherwise – why would they go to all this trouble? They use these practices because they get results.

And if it was important enough for these magicians to consider astrology in their intentions, then likewise, it should be important in applying astrology to your daily life.

Beyond simple horoscopes

Clearly, what we are talking about here isn’t as simple as reading your horoscope online (or wherever you get your daily forecast). We are talking about a detailed astrological forecast that leaves nothing unexamined.

It requires considering which planets are in which houses, which planets are in retrograde, lunar phases, etc. Not only that, but it requires forecast right down to the month, day, hour and minute.

But it’s not as hard as it sounds. There are numerous websites that provide this information for free. There are online planet calculators that track their movements to the minute. Likewise for constellations, the sun and the moon.

It’s very easy to see where the celestial bodies will be in both zodiac constellations and within the houses of the zodiac. You can also easily track aspects.

Implications to your daily life

Celeste steel movements and events can have profound impacts on our daily lives, both positive and negative.

For example, any dedicated follower of astrology knows just how much havoc can be wreaked on one’s life by planets going into retrograde. And while many people do take precautions when a retrograde event is in effect, they don’t often take the extra step of giving such careful consideration to all celestial bodies at all times.

Take advantage of positive and negative celestial events

The fully aware follower of astrology considers all celestial events and uses them to their advantage. Obviously, one will take advantage of positive positioning and timing, but even planetary positions that have negative ramifications can be used beneficially depending on one’s intent.

Looking at positive benefits, the planet Jupiter produces strong positive energy. Mercury in its normal state brings good communication. Venus influences love, romance and money. Mars enhances motivation and action. Uranus is associated with innovation. Neptune influences intuition. Pluto helps uncover hidden truths. Saturn is associated with discipline (For example, potentially suggesting a good time to start a new exercise or diet plan).

Considering negative aspects, when Mercury is in retrograde it is considered especially problematic in terms of communications, where miscommunication is likely, and it is considered an ill-advised time to enter into new contracts or agreements. Mars can influence anger and aggression, suggesting irritability, low patience and short fuses.

Take advantage of perfect timing

Therefore, being aware of both the positive benefits and negative repercussions associated with the planets, you can plan and time undertakings in your life to happen at strategic moments.

In summarizing, you can use planetary, solar and lunar influences to determine when astrological conditions will be favorable to your specific intentions.