My Sign Says

5 Zodiac Signs That Are Touchy-Feely Types

Everyone expresses love in a different way, some do it with words, some do it with gifts, and others just reach out and touch someone!

If you are looking for someone who expresses their love through touch, we are about to show you the 5 most touchy-feely zodiac signs!

1. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpios are driven by unbridled passion and an overabundance of sexual energy. To put it another way, they are like a pot of steaming water that is always ready to boil over. While Scorpios are very deep intellectually, words aren’t enough and just won’t do when it comes to expressing their intimate feelings.

Rather than tell you, they prefer to show you. Scorpios like to touch and be touched – all over!

2. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Within the zodiac, few are more sensual than Taurus. They find touch to be one of the most wonderful and moving experiences that two people can share together. Taurus dedicates just as much time and effort into foreplay as they do toward what comes after.

The sensations that come with touch is something they try to stretch out and make linger as long as possible, allowing their body to absorb every moment and allowing each tingle to reverberate throughout their nervous system, getting intoxicated on the electricity of it.

3. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries is a bold and adventurous sign, and their outgoing nature is all about physicality. Therefore, it’s a complementary attribute of their astrologically-given traits that touch is also a part of their love nature. Even something as simple as a greeting is too subtle for their taste.

Instead, Aries is the type to always reach out and wrap the other person in a bear hug. In romance, they just don’t want to tell someone they care about them – they feel they need to show them. A physical connection, to Aries, speaks volumes louder than words.

4. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorn is a primal and earthy sign. Like the people of old, that brought everything out of the earth through the work of their hands, touch is related to everything for Capricorn. They are a hands-on type of people in everything they do. It’s no different when it comes to romantic relationships.

While Air signs are about the intellect, Earth signs like Capricorn, define reality by what they can touch, what they can feel. When they touch someone, it is literally their way of saying, without words, “you’re important to me, I care about you and I love you.”

5. Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leos are powerful leaders, and just like the magnificent lion they are represented by, they are driven by animal instincts. They enjoy pawing, er, touch. There is something about touch that is so primal, so pure, so natural. It’s a sensation that resonates through the nervous system, echoing throughout the body, vibrating in stimulating the mind.

Leos love that feeling and enjoy allowing it to linger through foreplay. It’s a bit like the hunt, which provides excitement and stimulation that makes the eventual climax feel sweeter.