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The Influence of Mercury in Astrology

The planet Mercury influences several things in astrology.  The planet is considered a translator and it also affects communications and intellect. Find out what you need to know about Mercury and your horoscope!

About Mercury in astrology

Mercury is considered a translator in astrology, taking all the information present and consolidating it into a true picture of reality.

The planet Mercury was the winged messenger god Hermes in Greek mythology and considered a trickster in Roman mythology. Being a messenger, Mercury influences communications here on Earth.

Mercury rules over the signs of Gemini and Virgo, possessing the influence of their intellect.

While we often live in different worlds of perception, Mercury helps to clarify perception into reality.

What Mercury affects in astrology

Mercury affects communication, the mind, intellect, language, and reasoning.

Mercury’s connection to Gemini brings adaptability and wit. Mercury’s connection to Virgo brings efficiency, structure, and analysis.

Mercury, being one of the inner planets, orbits the sun more quickly. Thus, the impact it has on our lives is short-term but can yield its influence on us several times over the course of the year.


Mercury is the planet of communication and has a profound influence on one’s personal communication style. This includes how we speak, our speech patterns, humor and how quickly our thoughts translate to speech.

Mercury gives us insight into how we express ourselves. It shows us where we may be lacking in communication skills. It highlights where we may be overly-emotional, defensive, blunt, sarcastic, too talkative, or other quirks we may have in our communication style. Thus, this insight sheds light on areas where we can improve our communication skills. Likewise, it shows us where we are strong with our communication, such as where we are eloquent, as well as, shows us our unique expressive gifts.

Putting all this together, it helps us understand where we are misunderstood or are not on the same wavelength as other people, and clears up confusion that can help us reduce friction in our lives.

Perception, intellect

The ability of Mercury to bring clarity to our perceptions helps us understand our imagination. Mercury shows us the path for bringing thoughts into reality in a manner that improves our potential.

This insight into our perception helps us separate illusions from reality. This helps us to refine and focus our mental powers.

The influence of Mercury’s rule over Virgo may influence us to become better organized with our thoughts or improving how we analyze situations.

On the negative side of things, Mercury may shine light on places where we are being too critical, indecisive, or deceptive.

Ultimately, Mercury can help us sharpen our intellect and make the most of it.