My Sign Says

Understanding Houses in Astrology

Similar to the way that there are 12 signs of the zodiac, there are 12 segments known as “houses,” each of which is associated with a set of traits and is ruled by a different zodiac sign. In this article, we’ll explain the 12 houses of the zodiac and what each house represents.

When an astrologer interprets your astrological chart, they are looking at more than simply your sun sign. They also consider the moment you were born, the planets, and the 12 houses of the zodiac.

About houses in astrology

The 12 houses of astrology are arranged on a circular chart or wheel. This wheel is a separate and different wheel than the zodiac wheel.

The zodiac wheel is based on the yearly movement of the sun. The wheel of houses is based on the 24-hour rotation of the Earth upon its axis.

There are 12 houses on the wheel of houses, which are read in a counterclockwise manner. Each house of the zodiac represents different meanings and affects on a person’s astrological chart, related to the sign by which the house is ruled and the traits associated with that particular sign.

General meanings of each zodiac house

1st house:

The first house is ruled by Aries and is associated with all of life’s “firsts” such as impressions, appearances, new undertakings and new beginnings. It influences one’s identity and approach to life.

2nd house:

The second house is ruled by Taurus and is associated with material and physical things, as well as the five senses. It is also associated with money, income, ethics, values and self-esteem.

3rd house:

The third house is ruled by Gemini and is associated with the mind, intellect, communication, social connections and activity, and education.

4th house:

The fourth house is ruled by cancer and is associated with home, family, self-care, nurturing and foundations. It is also associated with femininity and feminine energy.

5th house:

The fifth house is ruled by Leo and is associated with romance, love, creativity, self-expression, romance, play and fun.

6th house:

The sixth house is ruled by Virgo and is associated with organization, rules, routines and systems. It also concerns helpfulness, service to others, as well as, is connected with health and fitness.

7th house:

The seventh house is ruled by Libra and is associated with relationships, marriage, business partnerships, contracts and all connections to other people. It also considers equality and sharing.

8th house:

The eighth house is ruled by Scorpio and is associated with birth, death, bonding, intimacy and sex. It also considers finances, inheritance, assets and property. Thirdly it considers energies and mysteries.

9th house:

The ninth house is ruled by Sagittarius and is associated with wisdom, philosophy, education, religion, morals and ethics. It’s also connected with risk, adventure, luck and travel.

10th house:

The tenth house is ruled by Capricorn and is associated with long-term goals, structure, status, reputation, public image, discipline, tradition, fathers and fatherhood.

11th house:

The eleventh house is ruled by Aquarius and is associated with humanitarianism, social awareness, friends, groups, teams and society. It is also connected with technology, invention, innovation, originality, eccentricity, and rebellion.

12th house:

The twelfth house is ruled by Pisces and is associated with healing, aging, closure, endings, tying up loose ends and completion. It is also connected with the subconscious, spirituality, the afterlife, hidden agendas, and secret enemies. Additionally, it concerns creativity and the arts.