My Sign Says

Your Zodiac Dating and Love Forecast for 2019

What does 2019 hold for your love and dating outlook? Read below to find out what the stars, planets and celestial bodies promise for your sign!


Aries (March 21-April 19)

We start 2019 with a Uranus cusp between Taurus-Aries, as well as a Mars cusp between Aries-Pisces. The influence of Mars, the ruler of your sign, will increase your confidence and energy in a big way! However, Uranus concerns individuality and inventiveness.

Therefore, the stars may be indicating that you need to focus more on self at the beginning of this year.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The influence of Uranus moving into your sign with a Taurus-Aries cusp will hold sway over your love life. The influence of Uranus in your sign indicates a focus on inventiveness and individuality. This may indicate that you need to focus on personal goals as you begin the year.

It doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t date, but rather that don’t let your love life get in the way of your personal goals.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

If you’ve been hopping around not really feeling like you found someone you can stick with, that will change after the first quarter of the year. Mars will move into your sign beginning in April 2019, and as it does, it will strongly boost your energy and confidence further, which will draw others toward you – even more than they are drawn already!

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Your dating prospects for the first half of the year are excellent. But the midyear will bring changes, possibly giving your love life a boost as Mars moves into your sign in June. Then things will change again as the Sun and Moon move into your sign in July, which has the potential to shake things up as you focus more on self and personal needs.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

2019 is going to be an excellent dating year for you, but it’s really going to take off in summer. July will bring changes as Mercury and Mars move into your sign, as well as the Sun in August. This combination could mean your dating life is going to be red hot or you may finally find “the one!”

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

2019 promises to be a good year for seeking love, but you’ll need to put yourself out there. Especially, before the start of summer. That’s when things will begin to change in your forecast.

The Moon will move into your sign in August, then the Sun in September, and your focus will shift to self, dimming prospects of strong love connections with others.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Your dating outlook for the year is excellent, and will continue to be so until fall. As autumn arrives, things will begin to change as the Sun and Venus move into your sign in October. At that time, your focus will shift on the need to put a little more focus and care on yourself and your needs for a while.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Your psychic abilities will be greatly enhanced, as we start with the influence of Venus in your sign. The effect of Venus will enhance your sense of affection and harmony, increasing how strongly others will be attracted to you, as well as, how strongly you will be able to detect these senses in others.

In other words, you’ll be easily able to read whether you’ve found a match or not!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Strong positive influences affect your sign in the New Year, as we start with the Moon and Jupiter in your sign. Jupiter brings prosperity and good fortune – so your dating and love prospects couldn’t be better! However, because of the strong lunar influence, you will need to be watchful of your moods and emotions.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

2019 promises good things for Capricorn. We start with this Sun, Mercury, Pluto and Saturn in your sign. There’s a lot going on in your sign – but it’s all good! Mercury, concerned with communication and thinking, indicates that it’s the perfect time to make connections, and Pluto promises gained power and transformation.

However, caution is needed, as the Sun influences ego and self, while Saturn rules over practicality and our limitations. In short, your prospects are good – but start with keeping things simple!

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Lilith, or the black moon, is currently in your sign. This could indicate a time of awakening in your love life. It could be the promise of wild sex as well! It could also mean that you will have multiple lovers, possibly dating two or more people at once! It’s only going to last for the first month of the year – so enjoy it while you can!

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

We begin 2019 with the influence of Neptune in your sign. The influence of Neptune plays into your own core traits: Compassion and idealism. This could indicate that someone is likely to come into your life who shares your beliefs, or because of your feelings being stronger in this area, it will lead or attract you to a particular person.