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The Influence of Uranus in Astrology

In this article we are going to take a look at the influence of the planet Uranus in astrology and on your horoscope, as we help you to understand how Uranus affects you at different times within your lifespan.


Your Zodiac sign or Sun sign in astrology is only a single part of the way the heavenly bodies affect your horoscope. Planets also play a major role, as their orbit places them a particular house of the zodiac at the time of your birth. When planets return to this zodiac house, each specific planet will affect you at different times within your life.

Let’s take a look at the influence of the planet Uranus on your horoscope.

Uranus is part of the outer planets

Uranus belongs to a grouping called “outer planets” in astrology. Outer planets are made up of planets that orbit the sun more slowly. The five outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Because these planets have longer orbits around the sun, their strongest affect on your life occurs only at certain points of your life.

Uranus takes 84 years to return to a single sign of the zodiac. Uranus remains in a single zodiac sign for seven years. Because of the length of Uranus’ orbit, it is associated with generational changes and generational worldviews.

Uranus goes into retrograde once each year, with each retrograde period lasting approximately five months.

Uranus can’t be seen with the naked eye, and it was the first planet discovered by telescope. Amateur astronomer William Herschel was the first to discover Uranus using his homemade telescope on March 13, 1781.

About Uranus in astrology

Uranus is the ruler of the zodiac sign Aquarius. Uranus is known as the God of the sky and the heavens.

Like the sign of Aquarius, Uranus is associated with discovery, enlightenment, progression, change, innovation, ingenuity, communication and technology.

Negative aspects of Uranus are rebelliousness (without a cause), and a lack of responsibility. However, some of this rebelliousness is what leads to breakthroughs and change.

Uranus and your horoscope

How Uranus affects you depends on where the planet Uranus was at the moment you were born. To determine that, you will need to use a birth chart to determine what astrological house Uranus was in at the time of your birth.

The influence of Uranus

The planet Uranus is associated with genius or “a stroke of genius” occurring in the mind. It is associated with breakthroughs in life. Uranus is known for triggering life’s unexpected events. Because of all of these, Uranus is sometimes described in astrology as “the awakener” because it brings forth revelations.

Uranus can help you discover truths. It pushes us to take action, either by an awakening or an abrupt surprise. It’s that sudden “aha” moment.

Sometimes in an orchestration of cosmic events, those that have a future vision or destiny in mind, our lives can suddenly be jolted by situations that lead to an awakening. These abrupt disruptions wake us up, giving us a sharper focus to explore core truths that we may have been overlooking. These events delivered by Uranus can turn out to be blessings in disguise.

Sometimes we are conditioned to think one way in life – through either training, habits or traditions – and all of these prevent us from seeing the whole or true picture. This brainwashing can keep us rigid or stagnant, as a result of this conditioning , we end up being dissuaded us from the things we really want.

Uranus helps us see through this fog that’s been constructed by either society or individuals to blind us from ultimate truth. Our awakening can lead us in new directions that bring about beneficial change, leading us toward what we really want or helping us to find true happiness and feel more alive.