My Sign Says

5 Chill Zodiac Signs That Are Hard to Read on the First Date

These five zodiac signs always play it cool, so when you go out with any of these particular signs on a first date, it makes it really hard to get a read on them.

They could be really excited about being with you, but they won’t react too strongly one way or the other. Throughout the date, they’ll remain calm and collected. The thing is… they want to get a read on you.


They really don’t want their behavior to color your opinion of them. Sure, they might tell a cute joke, but they aren’t going to exaggerate the telling with fully animated details. They also won’t react strongly to the things you say because they don’t want to give the impression that they’re trying too hard to seem compatible.

Or even worse, like they are faking a connection or a bond with your interests. So no matter what is said or what happens, these signs are going to remain laid-back and neutral until they know a potential love connection is real.

1. Libra (September 23 October 22)

Libra is one of the most laid-back and easy-going signs of the zodiac. Keeping relaxed and balanced is what they do in every situation. Even if they are struck with a head over heels feeling, they’ll do their best to keep their outward reactions neutral. Libras don’t feel they need to validate their excitement by over-the-top reactions. But the telling comes in what they do after the date.

Communication is very important to them, so if you get a follow-up phone call – not a text – that personal touch as a sign that the date was a success and they want more!

2. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Pisces is highly intuitive and they’ll know within the first 15 minutes whether the two of you are hitting it off and if a second date is in the offing. But whether your date is a hit or miss, they won’t let on one way or the other. Even if Pisces knows from the start that it isn’t going to work out, they are far too kind and caring to be anything less than courteous and pleasant until the end of your evening.

However, if by the time you get home – they’ve already left you a voicemail, text or a friend request – you can be assured you’ve triggered their feelings.

3. Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus are warmhearted people who always remain cool and proceed cautiously on the first date. They have a high level of patience, and prefer to take things step-by-step, checking out the details along the way. From the start to the end of the evening, they’ll be nothing but pleasant.

However, Taurus are very honest and don’t shy away from confrontation. And by the end of the date they have formed their opinion. If it isn’t going to work out, they’ll kindly but sincerely let you know then and there.

4. Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarians keep it cool because they don’t feel the need to prove themselves. They are extremely comfortable remaining quiet and being good listeners. This comes from a strong desire to learn and a genuine interest in other people. This trait helps Aquarius size other people up quickly. Aquarius is also hiding something. They know if they talk too much, their superior attitude could slip out and make a bad first impression.

If they are interested in another date, they like to play hard to get (that superiority thing), so it may be up to three days before Aquarius will follow-up, no matter how excited they are to see you again.

5. Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

When it comes to dating, Scorpio is like a world-class poker player, you’re never going to read their face or body language. And while you can’t get a read on them, you can be certain they are thoroughly reading you. Even if you try to play their same game, you can’t out-chill their sense of intuition – that’s where the real reading is taking place.

But rest assured, Scorpio knows a good thing when they see it, so if the date was a success, they’ll follow-up within 24 hours.