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The Influence of Saturn in Astrology

The role the planet Saturn plays in your horoscope is revealing insight into the areas during your lifespan where you will face the trials and tribulations that will shape you.


Saturn orbits the Sun roughly every 29.4 Earth years. This is the time it takes Saturn to travel through all 12 signs of the zodiac. Therefore, the planet Saturn will have an effect on you at three points in your life (if you live into your late 80s).

Saturn in your natal sign

Saturn’s influence is dependent on where Saturn was at the time of your birth. There are free birth charts online which will allow you to determine which house of the zodiac Saturn was in at the exact moment of your birth.

Determining the Saturn return

To know which points in your life Saturn will influence you, again you will have to a chart determine what is called “Saturn Return,” the time when Saturn completes an orbit. Saturn Return is the time it takes Saturn to return to the exact natal position, returning to the house of the zodiac the planet occupied at the moment you were born.

Therefore, knowing that Saturn completes an orbit every 29.4 years roughly, you will experience a Saturn return in your late 20s, late 50s, and late 80s.

What Saturn brings to your horoscope

Saturn will point to the periods of your life where you will face your strongest difficulties. Saturn will illuminate your intense internal battles and how they will affect your self-confidence. It is through these trials that you rise or fall.

As you master these obstacles, you’ll develop your perseverance through personal strength and power. If you are unable to meet or withstand these challenges, things around you may crumble in devastating ways.

What Saturn return can affect in your life

Every time Saturn returns in your life, it allows you to learn more about your true self. And from these revelations, people tend to gain meaningful insight, mature and grow wiser. It’s a time when people take a more serious look at their true path in life.

Because of these new revelations, it’s a time when people may end one career and begin a new one. Because of this life of upheaval, people can make major achievements.

This insight has the same effect on relationships: Marriages may end and new relationships will begin.

But it’s not all rosy. On the downside, these changes can also go the other way. Major flops can occur. People can experience significant downfalls.

As people turn their lives around or inside out, some people will go on to great joy, while others can feel confused, lost or fall into depression.

Saturn: About the planet and the god

The planet Saturn is was named after the eponymous Roman god of agriculture in the ancient Roman religion. Its astronomical symbol represents the god’s sickle.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and the second-largest planet in the solar system.

Saturn was a God of generation, dissolution, plenty, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation. Saturn’s godly reign was depicted as a Golden Age of prosperity and peace, a time when humankind was in a state of innocence and enjoyed a bounty from the earth without labor.

Likewise, in astrology, Saturn’s affect can bring prosperity, renewal, wealth, abundance, liberation and a dissolving of old ways, beliefs, careers or relationships.

Saturday, the day of the week, is also named after this Roman deity.

Saturnalia festival

The Saturnalia, one of Rome’s most famous festivals, honored the god Saturn. It was held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and was later expanded with festivities all the way to 23 December. The festival held a carnival-like atmosphere.

Sacrifices were made at the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum. There was also a public banquet followed by gift-giving.