My Sign Says

6 Zodiac Pairings That Create Harmonious Relationships

There are certain zodiac signs, that when put together in relationships, are a perfect fit, going hand-in-hand like a glove.


The following six pairs of zodiac signs are cut from the same cloth, kindred spirits if you will. They not only fit together, but they belong together, having so much in common that makes them compatible.

1. Taurus and Capricorn

These two earth signs have so much in common, probably more than any pairing in the zodiac. Both are practical, efficient, hard-working, have high standards, strong morals, focus on stability and security, and take a cautionary approach to everything they do. In relationships, both are loving and loyal.

And the similarities don’t stop there… They’re both goal-oriented, so when they are paired together – it’s a recipe for success. They support and complement one another in their endeavors. They exemplify those couples who remain together for decades.

2. Virgo and Pisces

You know what they say, opposites attract. But it is also the commonalities that Virgo and Pisces possess that make them a strong pair. First of all, they are both very loving signs, and that’s where their bond starts. Secondly, some of their opposite traits are very complementary.

Virgo’s practicality and attention to detail, helps Pisces with their head in the clouds side. Conversely, Virgos need to control can be tempered by Pisces ability to know what to care about and what to let go of. These two signs rub off on one another in a way that creates love, harmony and balance.

3. Cancer and Scorpio

This pair forms a strong romantic combination as both of these signs are very loving, emotional and passionate. They are deeply committed and loyal, and once they form a bond – it’s unbreakable. However, these signs aren’t without their turmoil.

They are both emotionally driven and sensitive, so there are times when they become fire and ice. But in the end, love always wins out. Their intuitive powers help them discern the truth, and they realize when they need to apologize and forgive because their emotions got the best of them.

4. Gemini & Libra

Both of these signs are great communicators, but most importantly, good listeners. One thing that is important in a relationship is the ability to communicate. And as we age, eventually, as our bodies weaken, communication often becomes all we have.

Gemini and Libra create a loving bond where each knows they have, not only someone they can talk to, but someone that they can tell anything, knowing they will have a receptive and understanding ear, as well as, a supportive partner.

5. Aries and Sagittarius

This pairing succeeds because of their shared adventurous nature. Both are enthusiastic, carefree and impulsive, ready and willing to take off on a whim in search of new discoveries and fun! Both are unfazed by risk, which despite the dangers, can lead to some thrilling moments and memories that they’ll both tell stories about for a lifetime.

When these two signs are coupled, it actually helps foster loyalty and commitment. Because they are so alike and energetic, it provides the stimulation that each needs, which prevents them from having to look outside the relationship to keep the excitement going.

6. Leo and Aquarius

This pair forms a bond due to their mutual desire to learn and grow. Aquarius is ever on the search for knowledge and new things, leading the way in discovering or creating innovation. Leo is a natural leader that can take new ideas and rally others around them, bringing them to fruition.

When these two work together, it creates a powerful combination. Both signs are very loyal, and this creates a deep and loving commitment, as they work together throughout life to find success, happiness and fulfillment.