My Sign Says

The Influence of the Outer Planets in Astrology

Here is an introduction to how the outer planets of our galaxy play a role in your horoscope by affecting a different part of your personality.


In astrology, the planets in our solar system are divided into two groups: Inner Planets and Outer Planets.

The influence of all planets in your horoscope differs due to the fact that they orbit the sun at different speeds, having longer durations in completing a single orbit. As a result, each planet has a different effect on your life at different times.

The inner planets

The inner planets are: Mercury, Mars and Venus.

The “inner planets” are closer to the sun, and thus, they orbit the sun more quickly. As a result of these shorter orbits, they have more of a day-to-day effect on your life.

The outer planets

The outer planets are: Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Pluto (Yes, according to astrology, Pluto is still a planet).

The so-called “outer planets” are farther from the sun, and thus, they take more time to complete a single orbit. As a result of these longer orbits, the effect of these planets on your life is more spread out. It might take anywhere from 1 to 15 years for one of these outer planets to produce an influence in your life.

As such, outer planets are considered to have “generational” effects on entire populations, producing an effect that may last for several years.


Jupiter rules over Sagittarius, and like that sign, it is strongly associated with optimism, enthusiasm and positivity. This giant planet produces a strong positive influence. It represents faith and optimism. Because of this, Jupiter is sometimes called your “lucky star,” if it shows up in your chart, where it is said to pave the way to good fortune.

Jupiter is linked to wisdom in higher truths. As such, it governs learning, understanding and leads to growth. This growth comes about through risk, where one takes a leap of faith.


Saturn rules over Capricorn, and like that sign, its primary associations are discipline, authority, boundaries, restrictions and limitations. Saturn is strongly linked with internal discipline.

If Saturn appears in your natal chart, meaning – where Saturn was at the time of your birth, it will highlight where you will face your toughest internal battles in life.


Uranus rules Aquarius, and like that sign, it is associated with innovation. Uranus has an influence on awakenings and breakthroughs, as well as liberation and independence. In astrology, Uranus is referred to as the “divine awakener.”

However, on the negative side, the planet also brings a connection to sudden shocks, disruptions, and rebellions. Because of its dual nature, Uranus can either bring about liberation or chaos. The “midlife crisis” many people have at the age of 40 is associated with Uranus. Due to its lengthy orbit, Uranus will stay in a sign for approximately seven years. As a result, this planet has a generational influence.


Neptune rules over Pisces, and like that sign, it is associated with spiritualism, mysticism, and intuitive powers. As a result of these spiritual connections, Neptune has an influence on our dreams, visions, spirituality, imagination and intuitive abilities.

The planet influences one’s creativity, as well as, interest in the arts such as music, dance, poetry, literature and art. Neptune also has an influence on one’s quest to understand the meaning of life. Because Neptune will stay in a sign for 14 years, it has a generational influence.


Pluto rules over Scorpio, and like that sign, this planet is associated with revelation and uncovering hidden truths. The planet governs both these powers themselves, as well as how you use your personal powers and intuition. Pluto reveals the core truths that you will discover in your life, as well as, in what manner your hidden powers will be released.

It will reveal whether these will come forth as a result of your own efforts or a deep understanding of your true self, or whether the outside world will provoke their emergence. Pluto in your natal chart will reveal the areas in your life where you will face both creative and destructive elements.