My Sign Says

The 4 Best Zodiac Signs to Hook Up with After a Breakup

Unfortunately, relationships hitting the skids and breaking up are the rule rather than the exception. Many people try to immediately fill the empty hole left in their life after a relationship breaks up with a quick rebound, in an attempt to stop the heartbreak.

Whether or not rebounding is a good idea or not isn’t the aim of this article, but rather – if you’re attempting to bounce back into another relationship right after a breakup – then these 4 zodiac signs are your best bet!

1. Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Gemini is the perfect sign to rebound with because they are the least likely to try to take things too far, too fast. If there is one “no strings attached” sign of the zodiac – Gemini is it! They are fun-loving and will keep you amused with their clever wit.

They are cheerful, charming, kind, open-minded, and nonjudgmental – in short – the perfect person to help you recover your self-esteem after a failed relationship!

2. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Quite simply, Sagittarius = fun. They are exceedingly enthusiastic and optimistic, and if they can’t stimulate you and cheer you up – you need to check your pulse! Sagittarius is totally carefree in a way that is contagious. Their impulsive nature and quest for adventure, will pull you along, quickly making you forget your woes.

In no time, they’ll help you move on from your failed relationship and you’ll be saying: “Breakup – what breakup?”

3. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries are perfect to date on the rebound because they mostly care about excitement and fun. They are totally independent and definitely won’t cling on to you, at least not right away. Instead, because of their passion for adventure, they will tend to bring out the same in you, encouraging you to find your own passion and look for a way to enjoy life!

They’ll also encourage and push you to get out and have fun, rather than sulk in misery after your breakup.

4. Libra (September 23-October 22)

If a good listener is something you are really long for after your breakup, then look no further than Libra. They won’t have a problem with you talking about your ex. Instead, they will be that perfect shoulder to lean on and to vent out all your frustrations to.

Libra is the most impartial ear you will find, and with their easy-going nature, they take everything in stride. On the flipside, they are extremely charming, affectionate and romantic – and those qualities alone can have you forgetting your ex in no time!