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The Influence of Venus in Astrology

Your Zodiac sign or Sun sign in astrology is only a single part of the way the heavenly bodies affect your horoscope. Planets also play a major role, affecting you at different times within your life.


Let’s take a look at the influence of the planet Venus on your horoscope.

Venus is part of the inner planets

Venus belongs to a grouping called “inner planets” in astrology. Inner planets are made up of planets that orbit the sun more quickly. The three inner planets are Mercury, Mars and Venus. Because these planets have shorter orbits around the sun, their affect on your life occurs in a more day-to-day manner. Venus takes approximately 225 days to orbit the sun, and also tends to stay in close proximity to it.

Venus, along with the planet Mars, work in conjunction to create a dual effect on us. The planet Venus is associated with feminine energy, while the planet Mars is associated with masculine energy. Venus and Mars are closely associated and are called “astrology’s lovers.” The combination of these two planets influences how we handle love and relationships. Working together, the feminine energy of Venus has an effect on moderating the fiery masculine aspect of Mars.

Venus and your horoscope

How Venus affects you depends on where the planet Venus was at the moment you were born. To determine that, you will need to use a birth chart to determine what astrological house Venus was in at the time of your birth.

The influence of Venus

The influence of the planet Venus is considered one of the most positive of all the planets. Venus has a strong influence on our happiness, earthly pleasure and harmony. As already noted, Venus is a planet associated with feminine energy – it’s a planet of love, beauty, marriage, sexual pleasures, finances and luxuries.

Venus is known as the “lesser benefic” planet, second to Jupiter, which is known as the “greater benefic” planet, which has an even greater positive benefit.

Venus is known as “The Love Goddess” in astrology and was the goddess of love in Roman mythology.

Venus has a strong influence on relationships of all kinds, from friendships to career to romantic. How you react emotionally and express your feelings to others is influenced by Venus.

Because Venus affects how one seeks pleasure, it sets the stage for where one places their values. This manifests in one’s needs in terms of what they seek in career, home life and interests. The connection between Venus and the sun plays a role here in the strength of one’s ego and its effect on emotions. In turn, this will color one’s tastes, where they find pleasure, and what brings happiness.

Venus & negative influences

Even though Venus has a mostly positive influence, it is not without negative consequences. As Venus drives pleasures, it can also influence laziness, lack of concern, cravings for sweets, and jealousy.

Venus & sex drive

When it comes to your love life and sex drive, the influence of Venus will determine your sensuality and how you handle your sex life. It feeds what turns you on and the strength of your cravings. On the negative side, it can influence an insatiable sexual appetite and/or loose sexual morality.

Venus & money

Venus is also sometimes called the sign of “love and money.” Venus directly influences one’s need for money, where and how they spend it. It influences the priorities of one’s finances, necessity versus pleasure. Not only does Venus affect how much one might spend on their leisure activities, but what type of leisure activities one seeks out for pleasure. Venus also affects the type of gifts one bestows on others and how much one spends on their generosity.