My Sign Says

Idealistic and Hopeful Zodiac Signs. Do You Make the Cut?

Idealism gets a bad rap. It’s often cast in the light of being a naïve or “Pollyanna” kind of attitude, where someone’s optimism is unrealistic.

But idealism isn’t that at all. It’s more than just boundless and blind optimism, and it certainly can be realistic and practical.


Idealism is hopeful. The best idealists realistically assess where they can make changes. They find what’s wrong and they look for solutions to fix it. They dig in and do the hard work. They also find ways to bring hope to the hopeless.

Here are the five zodiac signs that have the strongest sense of idealism…

1. Aquarius (January 20-February 19)

Aquarius is the most idealistic sign in the entire zodiac. Humanitarianism is born into the core of their very being. Their entire thought process revolves around new ideas and innovations. Aquarians have a rebellious nature that is always ready to stand against the status quo, as it is often the status quo or tradition that is an impediment to progress. They have an inborn inclination towards nature and conservation, believing all mankind is divinely appointed in the role of being stewards of the planet.

2. Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leos genuinely care about people. They are noble creatures with strong moral principles and ideals. Leos possess an unwavering demand for fairness and justice. They strongly believe all human beings, and every living creature, should be treated with respect, dignity and decency. Being born leaders, as well as optimists, they are natural philanthropists who are quick to lead the charge working for any number of causes and the common good.

3. Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

The earth sign of Capricorn births traditional and practical people. But they are also leaders, who are infused a driven sense of purpose, and possess strong organizational skills. They hold everything to the highest of standards. Capricorns are always looking for ways to make improvements in order to bring greater benefits to all. They have optimistic and ambitious attitudes, but it’s their overwhelming determination, attention to detail, and willingness to work hard – that brings even “long shots” to fruition.

4. Pisces (February 19-March 20)

If Pisces had to be summarized by one core strength, it’s: Love. It’s been said that love conquers all, and Pisces continually prove it. Their unconditionally loving attitude changes both hearts and minds. Pisces have that special ability to completely turn situations around in which others have lost all hope. Pisces repeatedly do what others say can’t be done. Their selfless attitude literally changes the world and brings down walls.

5. Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Some people in life only need one thing: Someone to care. This is where Cancers step in and literally change the world. They are the most empathetic sign of the zodiac. They have a way of turning around lost souls who are ready to give up on life. Cancers, through their empathy, make others feel that someone finally “feels their pain” and “gets them.” By conveying compassion, caring and love, Cancers are able to guide others in new hopeful directions that brings change to their lives.