My Sign Says

The Moon in Cancer Wants Us to Get Comfortable

When the moon comes home, we all feel at home. The day starts off on a bit of a sour note as the moon forms an emotional square with Neptune. But thankfully, the day ends on a relaxing note as the moon gets comfortable in Cancer.

The Moon is Square Neptune at 2:50 AM

Early this morning, the moon in erratic Gemini squares off with Neptune in dreamy Pisces. This might have us feeling a bit raw and sensitive, even leading to us questioning reality. You’re incredibly susceptible to outside influences right now, and it can be hard to tell which opinions are yours and which you’ve picked up from others. The same thing goes for your emotions, and that can be downright exhausting.

Your imagination and psychic urges are heightened. There might even be a pull to deal your tarot deck or grab another divination tool. Just keep in mind that messages won’t be super clear right now, so write everything down to interpret later.

The Moon Is Trine Jupiter at 3:41 PM

This afternoon, the moon in Gemini forms a trine with Jupiter in compassionate Aquarius, and it puts us in a pleasant, lighthearted state of mind. It’s an ideal time to share your emotions with others. Your relationships will benefit from openness and honesty.

You’re in a generous mood and feeling very sociable. This transit can bring about social success and material gain.

The Moon Moves into Cancer at 5:14 PM

Later, the moon moves into its native sign of watery Cancer, and things will probably start to feel very chill. A Cancer moon is a whole vibe—deeply emotional, intuitive, and protective. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself needing to slow down and withdraw. A Cancer moon can turn us all into homebodies. We want to surround ourselves with things we adore, and we want to nurture the people we love.

You could say Cancer is the ultimate hostess—in that lush, comfy, ethereal vibe sort of way. This is unlike Leo, who would be jealous to hear anyone else being referred to as the hostess with the mostest. Leo goes all out with the drama and the wow factor. Cancer just wants you to sink into your surroundings and turn inward to explore and nurture your own soul.

The next days will be filled with sensitivity and empathy, and you might not feel up to a whole lot of forward momentum or corporate ladder climbing. So, consider it a respite to gather your strength before Leo comes roaring through.

All aspects mentioned here are in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.