My Sign Says

Gemini Wants Us to Break Out of Our Shells

Today the stars have us feeling like social butterflies… But sadly we may be trapped inside our cocoons. We want to interact with people so badly, but it may be hard for us to make a connection. Hopefully, the moon in Gemini can help us spread our wings!

The Sun Is Opposite Saturn at 1:38 AM

In the wee hours of the morning, the sun in Leo forms an opposition with Saturn in Aquarius. This transit can bring with it some serious feelings of isolation. This new Leo energy has us in the mood to socialize, but we feel like we can’t connect with others, or truly communicate like we want to. There’s also a sense that our loved ones don’t see us, and that they’re hampering our independence or self-expression.

There seems like there’s this gulf between us, but it’s largely in our own minds. If you take a step back and look at the situation objectively, this isn’t a new development. It’s not possible to completely read or understand with another human being. We can’t fully connect with someone else because we’re two separate people. That’s the way of the world, we’re just especially sensitive to it right now. It might be best to spend some time alone this evening, as the chances of taking things personally and picking a fight with someone you love are quite high.

The Moon Is Square Jupiter at 3:47 AM

Things are feeling relaxed this morning as the moon in Taurus forms a square with Jupiter in Aquarius. In fact, things are so relaxed that they might even feel a bit boring. We’re feeling restless, and our emotions could be amplified under this transit, which could lead to some dramatic outbursts.

It’s important not to get impulsive or reckless out of a desire for novelty, especially in your relationships.

Don’t fall into the trap of retail therapy to cure your boredom, either, as Jupiter can inflate our sense of our finances. That could get you into trouble.

Instead, shift your focus to creating something good and beautiful in the world. It might be a good time for spiritual or educational pursuits.

The Moon Moves into Gemini at 4:47 AM

One hour later, the moon moves into the sign of playful, chatty, curious Gemini. A Gemini moon puts us in the mood for socializing—but nothing too heavy, please! We’re in social butterfly mode, wanting to flit from person to person. There’s nothing we want more than to make the rounds in a light-hearted, fun-loving circuit.

We’re more prone to short attention spans right now, and probably find ourselves deflecting uncomfortable situations or sticky emotions with humor. We’re also highly curious—Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac and it ushers in an, um, air of endless possibilities. (Sorry.)

There’s a bit of jittery energy that comes with the territory, which some might enjoy as the buzz of excitement. But if you’re prone to nervous tension or anxiety it could be a bit more uncomfortable for you. Try to channel that energy into something active. Go on an adventure. Seek out new people and experiences. Invite your friends to a backyard shindig.

If you’ve been working on a project or creative idea, you might find that today would be an epic day for a stream-of-consciousness brainstorming sesh. There are no bad ideas today. Don’t pass judgment on the thoughts flitting through your brain. Just write them down as quickly as you can.

The Moon Is Square Mars at 9:31 AM

Later in the morning, when the moon forms a square with Mars in Virgo, it can bring some anger to the surface. It will be incredibly important to remain aware of this so you don’t lose control of your temper and cause harm to those around you.

Be on guard for emotional attacks from others as well. You won’t help things by reacting in a rash or impulsive way. You also won’t be doing yourself any favors by bottling up these emotions. You’ll need to strike a balance this evening, perhaps by channeling that energy productively on your own. Physical activity or journaling could help here.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.