My Sign Says
Woman with blanket and tea

These Planetary Energies Won’t Let You Hide From Your Feelings

We’ve come to the end of a historic week — a historic couple of weeks, actually — and today’s planetary energies could make us feel like all of that drama is finally catching up to us. If you’re overwhelmed by emotion in the form of sensitivity or irritability, spend some time alone so you can decompress and try to process everything that’s happened. And remember it’s only a temporary situation. Brighter days are ahead.

The Moon Is Sextile Neptune at 3:25 AM

Overnight, the moon in earthy Taurus moved sextile of Neptune in dreamy Pisces. Expect this to bring up an active, vivid imagination and a good dose of empathy. Your sensitivity and emotions will be heightened, and you’ll feel more in touch with not only your own feelings but those around you as well.

You’re especially sensitive to negative energies this morning. Your intuition and psychic abilities are heightened at this time. It’s a fantastic opportunity to work with a divination practice. Keep a journal with you to record any flashes of insight you get today.

The Moon Is Square Mercury 7:57 AM

This morning, the moon in Taurus forms a square with Mercury in Aquarius. This transit is setting up a bit of a standoff between our emotions and our thoughts.

This could lead to some possible conflict and irritability. While you’re hashing things out in your own head, be careful not to push your opinions or criticism onto others. Your emotions are swaying your thoughts too much, and you could end up doing permanent harm to a relationship if you insist on a debate.

Instead, channel that energy in a more productive way. Maybe some time spent on intensive organizing could be beneficial? You’re in the perfect frame of mind to do some deep cleaning and of your physical space.

The Moon Is Trine Pluto at 3:19 PM

This afternoon, when the moon in Taurus forms a trine angle with Pluto in Capricorn, you might again experience an increase in your sensitivity. You’re feeling things more powerfully and are easily moved by people—perhaps one person in particular, with whom you likely share karmic ties.

You’ll also find yourself delving deep into everyone’s emotions today, and you’re drawn to darker, unspoken, or taboo subjects.

Pluto is a planet of transformation; it creates space for reflection. This would be a great time to slow down and take stock of the personal transformations these past few months have brought.

It’s also worth taking a look at the transformations this time has brought to society as a whole. Pluto is the planet of destruction and rebirth, and it’s currently in the sign of Capricorn, which rules finances, business, and government. Just think about that for a minute.

All aspects mentioned here are in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.