My Sign Says
Anxious woman with head in her hands

Mars Goes Retrograde Today. Here’s What That Means.

Early today, we have two favorable trine transits that fill our morning and afternoon with harmonious encounters and favorable opportunities. This evening, however, we head into one of the most dramatic astrological events of the year. Read on to find out how this Mars retrograde will affect you over the coming months.

The Moon is Trine Mercury at 4:34 AM

Early this morning, the moon in Scorpio forms a watery trine with Mercury in Cancer, making us feel like we’re seeing things clearly for the first time in a while. Our feelings and intuition are balanced by our rationality and keen perception, ultimately leading to self-awareness and sound judgment.

This is a great time to use a social platform to share your insights with others. Whether that’s through public speaking, writing, or any other form of communication that’s calling to you, you should let your voice be heard.

Pay close attention to the dreams you had last night, they could have some insight to share with you. You could have a revelation about your childhood or family history. Keep your mind open, and record any intuitive flashes as they happen.

The Sun is Trine Jupiter at 1:57 PM

This afternoon, the sun in Virgo forms a trine with Jupiter in Capricorn. This is one of the most positive transits possible. It blesses us with confidence, enthusiasm, and an overall good mood. This could make you want to sit back and enjoy all the happy vibes, but good fortune is on your side today, so taking it easy to could lead to some missed rare opportunities.

You should have a warm, friendly feeling for just about everyone this afternoon, so take advantage and do some socializing if possible. You could also be presented with opportunities for personal, spiritual, or even financial growth.

This is good day to take stock of where you are in your life, and if you’re on the track you truly want to be. Because of your innate optimism this afternoon, it’s an excellent time to look at things objectively without the risk of falling into a funk.

Mars Goes Retrograde at 5:30 PM

Hopefully the happy transits at the beginning of the day will have bolstered you for this one. Behold, the most dramatic astrological event of September, and possibly for the rest of the year. Mars goes retrograde this evening.

When Mars retrogrades, we can struggle with self-doubt, a lack of assertiveness, and internalized anger and anxiety over our lack of forward movement.

A lack of initiative and a good deal of self-doubt could manifest in our relationships as well. We’ll also be more likely to bottle up our emotions than usual. Be careful you don’t take out your anger on your partner just because they can’t read your mind.

You might find yourself longing to return to an old relationship during this retrograde, in efforts to “fix” something that had gone wrong. This might work out for a time, but when Mars stations direct again, you’ll remember why it ended in the first place.

This is a time to regroup, to slow down, and to rest. It’s also a time to watch your health. Your immune system may be weakened and you’re more prone to accidents.