My Sign Says
Group of girlfriends arguing

The Moon and Mercury Are Inflating Your Ego

Today might be a bit of a rollercoaster. This morning, the moon and Mercury square off, and it gives us extraordinary confidence in our opinions and ideas – to the point where we don’t care who we steamroll over to get things done. Then tonight, Neptune enters the picture, and we find ourselves questioning everything.

Keep your wits about you today, and watch your tongue and the effect it may have on others around you. Ever heard the term “pride goes before a fall?” That phrase was written for today.

The Moon is Square Mercury 5:48 AM

Early this morning, the moon in Sagittarius formed a square with Mercury in Virgo. This transit sets up a bit of a standoff between our emotions (fiery and impulsive Sag) and our thoughts (analytical Virgo).

This all adds up to some possible conflict and irritability. While you’re hashing things out in your own head, be careful not to push your opinions or criticism onto others. You’re likely to feel very opinionated and justified in everything you do, and won’t care much what others think about it. This is the road to some serious conflict, and possibly even burned bridges. Your words carry more weight than you realize.

Instead, channel that energy in a more productive way, preferably in some solitary activity. You’re in the perfect frame of mind to do some deep cleaning of your physical space, or delve into a difficult, detail-oriented form of mental work. Give yourself the freedom to indulge your inner critic and perfectionist without anyone else getting caught in your crosshairs. You’ll want those connections around later, possibly even this evening.

The Moon is Square Neptune at 7:40 PM

Tonight, the moon in Sagittarius squares off with Neptune in dreamy Pisces. This might have us feeling a bit raw and sensitive, even leading to us questioning reality. You’re incredibly susceptible to outside influences right now, and it can be hard to tell which opinions are yours, and what you’ve picked up from others. The same thing goes for your emotions, and that can be downright exhausting.

Your psychic urges are heightened. There might even be a pull to deal your tarot deck or grab another divination tool. Just keep in mind that messages won’t be super clear right now, so write everything down to interpret later.

It’s time to retreat or escape. Just make sure you do it in a healthy way. Write a story, sing or play music, bake a cake, or watch a favorite movie. Then make plans to go to bed early. If you’re feeling too emotional to handle things on your own right now, reach out to a trusted friend to talk things out.

All the aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, please adjust to your own location.