My Sign Says
A woman at a party smiles at the camera.

This Gemini Moon Will Have You Looking for the Party

Today’s moon in Gemini gives us the urge to grab our friends and go on an adventure—or just gather them for a party wherever you happen to be. It’s a day for action more than emotion, which might feel like a refreshing change.

The Moon Moves into Gemini at 1:15 AM

Overnight, the moon moved into the sign of playful, chatty, curious Gemini. A Gemini moon puts us in the mood for socializing—but nothing too heavy, please! We’re in social butterfly mode, wanting to flit from person to person. There’s nothing we want more than to make the rounds in a light-hearted, fun loving circuit.

We’re more prone to short attention spans right now, and probably find ourselves deflecting uncomfortable situations or sticky emotions with humor. We’re also highly curious—Gemini is the first air sign of the zodiac and it ushers in an, um, air of endless possibilities. (Sorry.)

There’s a bit of jittery energy that comes with the territory, which some might enjoy as the buzz of excitement. But if you’re prone to nervous tension or anxiety it could be a bit more uncomfortable for you. Try to channel that energy into something active. Go on an adventure. Seek out new people and experiences. Invite your friends to a backyard shindig.

If you’ve been working on a project or creative idea, you might find that today would be an epic day for a stream-of-consciousness brainstorming sesh. There are no bad ideas today. Don’t pass judgment on the thoughts flitting through your brain. Just write them down as quick as you can.

The Moon is Sextile Mars at 10:24 PM

Tonight, the moon in Gemini forms a sextile with Mars in fiery Aries. This is a passionate and playful transit. We’re feeling competitive and cooperative, and may want to both express our need for independence and be a part of a group simultaneously. You can fulfill both roles by taking the lead on a project, or organizing work around a specific cause you feel strongly about.

If your views are challenged, you won’t back down and will argue your point passionately. But you’ll have a knack to bring others around to your way of thinking, and to align your causes so that you’ll ultimately fight on the same side.

This placement makes you very persuasive; you express yourself with confidence and the people around you respect that and follow your lead and conviction. It would be good to take advantage of this bout of confidence and bravery.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, convert to your own time zone.