My Sign Says
A woman lays in a field of flowers with her lover.

Today’s Moon in Taurus Has Us Seeking Out Pleasure

After a couple of days of the moon in fiery, impulsive Aries, it slips into earthy and sensual Taurus today. It should be a welcome reset, and will be a great time to get out of our heads and in touch with our own bodies. (And maybe somebody else’s.)

The Moon Moves into Taurus at 4:34 AM

In the wee small hours of the morning, the moon moved into the earthy, grounded sign of Taurus. Generally the moon in Taurus offers us a peaceful, easy feeling. We’re blessed with an extra dose of patience, and are generally in the mood to delve into life’s earthly pleasures. Think a cozy morning sipping coffee on your porch, or an evening snuggled up with your favorite person to watch a movie.

We’re feeling romantic and sensual, and looking to up the hedonism a little. Pleasure-seeking is the name of the game.

Because Taurus is a fixed sign, you should be able to commit to a project fully over the next couple of days. It’ll be easy for you to get into the zone and focus on details, and you’ll take genuine pleasure in the progress you make through hard work.

Cooking, gardening, crafting, building, singing, and dancing could all be good activities during this time.

The Moon is Square Saturn at 6:23 AM

Early this morning, the moon formed a square aspect with Saturn in fixed air sign Aquarius. Squares between the moon and Saturn can cause serious bouts of moodiness and moments of depression, and you may find yourself dredging up past grief and other unresolved matters.

It’s quite possible that you’ll have woken up in a funk this morning, but any dreams you had might offer some insight into what you need to work through. Write them down if you can remember, and hold onto them to delve into later. Then take some time to write down some things you’re grateful for to bolster your mood a bit.

This transit might leave you with a slightly restless feeling. A bout of low self esteem could keep you from openly sharing your emotions, and you might be feeling more isolated and distant from your loved ones than you have been lately. It might be a good time to spend a little time alone this morning. Try to lean into that grounded Taurus energy, and remember that this transit is only temporary.

The Moon is Conjunct Uranus at 11:18 PM

Late tonight, the moon in Taurus will form a conjunct angle, also in Taurus. This could bring on a bit of subconscious impulsiveness, and we might experience some restlessness.  This transit can bring on some rapidly changing shifts in energy. We’re exhausted one minute and full of life the next.

This is also a transit that strengthens our psychic talents, so do what you can to get out of your head and go with your gut as much as possible. Flashes of intuition should be heeded, and take every opportunity to express yourself.

All aspects mentioned here are calculated in Eastern Standard Time. For greater accuracy, please adjust for your time zone.