My Sign Says
a man reads a book at night

Zodiac Signs Most Likely to Be a Giant Bookworm

Do you enjoy reading? And we don’t mean picking up your phone to pore through Facebook for hours on end.

We mean the type of reading that involves a real book. A book with paper, not one filled with pixels.

Word on the street is that if you’re one of the following Zodiac signs, you’re far more likely to be a bookworm than those other obviously not-as-intelligent signs.

Gemini – May 21 – June 20

If there’s one thing that’s certain about Gemini, it’s that they love to learn and take in new information. They’re always looking for their next fix of knowledge, and books are an easy way to take in plenty of that in just one sitting.

There is a downside, however. Since they tend to be such fast readers, it only takes them a few hours to completely finish reading a new book.

However, since Gemini loves versatility, this can be a win-win.

Taurus – April 20 – May 20

Taurus enjoys being comfortable and relaxing, and reading just happens to fit that bill quite nicely. Who needs to go out and have social interaction when you can curl up with a good book instead?

You get plenty of social interaction with the characters inside, and even better—you can literally shut them out (by duh, shutting the book) whenever you want to.

Even better, they can lay in bed all day long to do so. Talk about a win-win situation.

Virgo – August 23 – September 22

Virgo likes to stay healthy in general, which includes having a healthy mind. A book can be a fantastic way to keep your mind stimulated—at least, far more stimulated than sitting there vegging out to Netflix every night.

This doesn’t mean that Virgo only wants to read informative books, however. They enjoy a good romantic fantasy just as much as any other respectable book lovin’ Zodiac sign.

Capricorn – December 22 – January 19

Capricorn is yet another Zodiac sign that much prefers reading over sitting back and watching television. They do tend to have certain tastes as far as books go, however.

Do-It-Yourself and Self-Help books are particularly right up Capricorn’s alley. Not only that, but they also love books that delve into historical facts.

Basically, they’re a huge fan of “the more you know.”

Pisces – February 19 – March 20

You know how we mentioned that Virgo likes a good romantic fantasy every now and then? Well, Pisces puts them to shame. Pisces loves light-hearted fiction, fantasy novels, and romance.

You know, the kind of books with covers you’d prefer to keep hidden from the general company. While Pisces is cool with watching television a bit more than the others mentioned here, reading is truly their guilty pleasure.