My Sign Says

This is How You React to Stress, According to Astrology

We all have different ways with dealing with a bad day. Stress is at an all-time high for a lot of us right now, and it might be useful to identify coping mechanisms when they come up, and try to steer them towards something productive rather than destructive. So let’s take a look at some pitfalls you might avoid, according to your sign.

Aries (March 21-April 19) 

If you’re being completely honest, Aries, you’re rearing for a fight. You’re normally a rather adventurous and optimistic person, but when things don’t go your way or you feel like you’re losing control, it brings out your fiery temper.

In the absence of a willing partner to spar with, you’re likely to be found trying to get into something destructive. Hopefully sense will kick in, and you’ll head to the treadmill instead to get out some of that aggression. Getting your blood pumping should help you to see clearly, and maybe shed some light on your current predicament.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) 

When you’ve had a bad day, there’s no where you’d rather be than your cozy little abode, Taurus. Fuzzy PJs, fluffy blankies, your favorite movie, a glass of wine, and something delicious bubbling or baking in the kitchen. Then things start to make sense.

There’s no shame to your creature comforts game. Just make sure to watch your very-real tendency to overindulge. And don’t hide away forever. Real life will come calling again real soon, and you can’t wear your bunny slippers all day. Actually, strike that, of course you can.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) 

You look for distraction in stress, Gemini. When things seem like they’re falling apart, you want the quickest route to stop feeling it. Obviously some of these distractions are healthier than others—like watching something funny on TV, gabbing with your friends, or fantasizing about your next vacation.

Some a little less so, like numbing yourself out with substances or mindless scrolling on social media. Escapism has its place, just don’t build a home there.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

As the homebodiest of the water signs, when things get rough you retreat to your bathtub, Cancer. You’ve created a perfect dream world to escape into—with books, oils, tarot decks, and dreamy music—and the womb-like warmth of the water is something you never get tired of.

Admit it, when your fingers and toes get all pruney and you start getting cold, you just add in more hot water. This is where you find clarity and comfort. Just check in every once in a while so your family doesn’t think you drowned in there.

Leo (July 23-August 22) 

You’ve got a flair for the dramatic, Leo, and people will hear you roar when things don’t go your way. Why bottle everything up inside when the world could know EXACTLY why you’re upset with EXACTLY what or who did you wrong.

Yes, it’s important to release your feelings and not let them fester, but be gentle to the souls in your path. They probably don’t deserve your ire. Try to channel that energy into something artistic and creative. Perhaps a piece of writing or music.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) 

Virgo, when things go sideways, there’s got to be a logical explanation. Right? You dive head-first into fixer mode, whether the problem is actually yours to fix or not. You never met a spreadsheet you didn’t like, and you’re not scared to run this thing right up the chain of command and speak to the head honcho in charge.

Just make sure to slow down every once in a while and examine your motives. Are these your problems to solve? Will all of this work actually make you feel better? I know the vulnerability sucks, but sometimes it’s an internal problem that needs to be addressed.

Libra (September 23-October 22) 

No one can rock a pro-con list like you, Libra, so if your stress is coming from a big decision you need to make, you’ve got this. It might take a while, but thoughtful deliberation is kind of your thing.

On the other hand, if stress is coming from something you feel you can’t control—like someone doesn’t like you or return your affection, which is a huge blow to a people-pleaser like you—you might engage in a little escapism via retail therapy.

Ruled by Venus, you have a love of all things beautiful and artistic, and that credit card might be destined for a workout. Just keep those scales balanced and don’t go overboard.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) 

You know how people describe you as a little intense, Scorpio? It’s because of scenarios like this. When you’re feeling stressed or upset, you delve deep into the why of it all, and can have a tendency to obsess and wallow. It’s also really hard for you to forgive and forget someone who’s slighted you, and your revenge fantasies can get the better of you at times.

Try to set a time limit on your processing. Do some journaling or other introspective work, and then do your best to put your foot down and say “enough.” You can’t control everything that happens in your life, and obsessing is merely robbing you of time better spent living.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) 

When something bad happens, you do your best to get over it as quickly as possible. Or at least try to deal with it later. In the past, you’d go out on an adventure with your friends. Find a change of scenery, an activity to take your mind off things, maybe some beverages to help take the edge off.

With social situations being more of a challenge these days, that might put a damper on your normal process. You could still get a change of scenery by heading out on a trail or road trip. And don’t forget the option to get together with friends virtually. It might not be exactly the same, but don’t cut yourself off from the social interaction you do have available to you.

Capricorn (December 22-January 20) 

Your need for control is the stuff of legend, Cap. This makes you amazing at your job, and an over-all incredibly responsible and capable person. It can also flare up bad when you’re feeling under pressure—which you do, all the time, because you constantly place that pressure squarely on your own shoulders.

You can get overly critical and bossy of others when things aren’t going your way, and you’ll often retreat and throw yourself into work so you feel like you’ve got some control over your own destiny. Don’t forget to let off a little steam though. You work hard, now go play hard. Work will still be there when you get back to it.

Aquarius (January 21-February 20) 

You process things intellectually, Aquarius. And even with a slight sense of detachment, which could be your saving grace. That same detachment tends to make you disappear in times of stress, much to the confusion and chagrin of your loved ones who need to process things amongst other people.

But you’ve always marched to the beat of your own drummer, and you’re comfortable being alone. Especially when you need to objectively hash through some stuff to figure out your next move. Just don’t disappear for too long or your friends and family might send out a search party.

Pisces (February 21-March 20) 

You feel things deeply, Pisces, and you take stress hard. It’s difficult not to take things personally, and you can start drama with your loved ones when it really should have only stayed in your head. So even though you might feel like you want to be surrounded by friends and family when you’re having a hard time, a little time alone to process and just feel things might be in order.

Write in your journal, pull an oracle card, or meditate. Lose yourself in a fantasy novel, a sad movie, or a beautiful piece of music. Let yourself cry if you need to. Soon things will start to look a little clearer, and life will make a bit more sense.